Dowry { Part - 2 }

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[ READERS , this is the is second part of my article .  Thank you for giving it a read . ]

         Like there are two phases of a coin , there are the advantages and disadvantages of every existence on earth . Similarly the dowry system too has it's own advantages and disadvantages . The advantages are as follows :
• "The Dowry" is what the parents of the groom dream . For them , it is a virtual carpet of flower petals on which they walk . They feel proud to have the evil called - dowry laid on their hands . They demand for their needs and get them in a blink . So in this manner the dowry is of course an advantage for only them , until and unless they are caught red-handed.
According to me , the amount of advantages is very less compared to that of the disadvantages .
The disadvantages are as follows :
• Is it fair for a girl to lose her life for dowry ? The answer is a No . But this is what a minority of people think . The general truth is that a girl is killed or even burnt alive because of a silly reason called dowry . The precious light of her life is turned off because of something which is not her fault .
• The second highlight or disadvantage is the terrific pressure and the immense tension that the parents go through . Their beloved daughter never wanted to be the cause of her parents' sadness . They often end up giving up their lives for their girl .
It's hard to put an end to the disadvantages of dowry . The Dowry is one of the main cause of distress in our country .

 Dowry ( The tear behind the girls' smile )Where stories live. Discover now