Chapter One: Descent into Darkness

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Hello everyone!!!!! This is my first fanfic, Daughter of Darkness. Please like and comment, but no flames please!!!!!! Thank you so much, hope you enjoy reading!

 She was running through the dark forest, her ginger locks flying in the wind. The kids were chasing her, yelling at her that she was a monster. This wasn't anything new; she was constantly called a freak or a failure, and she's gotten so used to these comments that she started believing them. The kids were far away now, their voices fading to nothingness. She didn't stop running, knowing that she might be ambushed at any time. Suddenly, her foot connected with a stray tree root, causing her to fall (gracefully) on the dirt. Her head banged against a rock, and all she could think was "I hope this is the end" before everything faded to black.


She woke up, startled that she was no longer in the forest. Her sapphire orbs blinked open, and she sat up in a small but comfortable bed. Where was she?She looked out a window to see a looming mountain with faces ingrained on it. Her heart filled with dread as she realized where she was. She was in the Naruto universe! Her mind raced. How could this happen? Was this all a dream? She walked out of the room to see a kindly old lady making ramen. Confused, the girl sat down at the table and spoke."Where am I?"The lady turned around and smiled widely. "Oh, thank goodness. You've woken up! I was worried you wouldn't. You were in a coma for a week. I found you lying in the forest, and knew I had to take you to safety.""Thanks... I guess, " replied the girl, flicking her flaming red hair out of her pale and slightly rosey-cheeked face. "You're not from around here, are you?" asked the woman. "I think you should meet the Hokage." Knowing that the Hokage is the only one who could probably tell the girl what was going on, she decided to go meet him. 


The Hokage looked upon the beautiful and striking girl sitting across from him. She just told him that she was from another universe and that she doesn't know where to go or what to do. She was so heartfelt that the Hokage knew he had to do something to help her. He decided to send her to the Academy, feeling that she would be great ninja one day.


The girl walked into the Academy, her head held high. She knew that this school probably won't be any different. Everyone will think she's weird and a monster, and she won't be able to convince them otherwise. This school might be more dangerous because it is made up of ninjas-in-training, but she'll be prepared if they try anything. For the past week she had been training before the school year started, and she has perfect aim and already knows a lot of jutsu. If they attack her, she won't hesitate to strike back with a fire element attack or the shadow clone justu. Her blue eyes shimmered with determination. She won't let anyone hurt her again.


She walked up to the front of the classroom. Her new clothes (red top, black combat boots, skirt, fishnets, headband, and ribbon to tie back her flowing long hair) felt itchy and uncomfortable even though she was told she looked amazing in them. All of the students were staring at her, and some of them were whispering. One pink-haired girl stuck her tongue out at her, but she just glared and the pink-haired girl turned away. A man with a scar on his nose who said his name was Iruka motioned for her to introduce herself. She squared her shoulders and looked at her new classmates, the tension think in the air. "Hello. I am your new classmate. One day, I hope to be a great ninja." A coupe of people snickered. "Don't try to talk me, because I have better things to do. I am going to work hard to be the best in this class, and no one is going to stand in my way. The name's Yami Musume. You won't forget it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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