The Perfection of Life

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My life was always so perfect! I lived in a beautiful mansion and had heaps of money and family and friends who love me to pieces……. WELL THAT’S A LIE! My life was far from perfect, I lived in a run-down neighbourhood in a small apartment building with my mum and my little brother my dad died 17 years ago and that’s when we lost everything, the house, the money even my dad’s family turned away from us. All my supposed ‘friends’ decided that they had better things to do than to hang out with me and that’s how I found myself at near bottom. I ended up having to move to a small state school in my new neighbourhood as we could not afford to live there, I ran 2 jobs at only 16 and my mum had 3. At my new school I’m did not learn much, it seems that the teachers gave up trying to teach way before I even moved to domimore and so the students ‘run wild’ I had a few friends at my school who have been in a similar situation to me. We are the outcasts in the school as no one seems to like us because before we came here we were the goody goody rich people who take pity upon us ‘poorer’ people. I hate to admit it but I really was one of those girls who laughed at these kids because they had no money and I did. Mia and Tess my only friends, were way to nice before they lost all their money, they were the charity workers who helped people, now they were the people who need the charity.

My only escape was writing. My little brother Tye convinced me to write stories for him when I was younger and I then started to really enjoy writing, even after my brother no longer requested stories I would write. I usually went to the local library and posted a chapter of each of my stories on a website called inkpop.  Sometimes I would almost give up writing but Tye would always convince me to keep going . He was my rock and my total inspiration to write. On my usual Thursday evening I walked to the library and posted a chapter and walked home.  After a long day of writing I collapsed onto my bed and fell asleep quite quickly.

When I awoke the next morning I heard my mum in hysterics I had asked her what was wrong and she pointed to our local paper, the front page took my eye and the big bold heading is something I will never forget  EXPLOSION AT DORIMORE MINIMART 3 DEAD.  I had to only look at the pictures as I burst into tears there in the RIP section was a picture of Tye, my friend Mia and Mia and Tess’s mum.

 That was the point in my life were I picked myself up instead of falling again I found myself another job and contacted my father’s family my father’s parents were not interested in attending Tye’s funeral. My aunty and uncles came to us almost immediately and helped my mum and I organise the funeral, they helped us get a new apartment in a better neighbourhood and got me into a better school, I refused to leave without Tess who after Mia and her mum had died had no one.  We lived off the money that my family helped us with. At first after Tye’s death I could not even think about writing it just didn’t feel right. For the first time in months I walked into Tye’s bedroom one day to help my mum clean it out until I stumbled upon a picture. It was a picture of Tye my mother and I smiling I was holding a book and in little writing down the bottom it read “when I grow up I will draw pictures for my sisters books.” As soon as I saw the picture I broke into tears. I then sat in-front of the computer screen for hours writing my new story which I then posted on ink pop.

A few years later I was checking my emails when I came across a harper-Collins message. My book that I wrote after I saw Tye’s picture was published about a year after I got my email. I am now a successful writer and can support my family. My life is now a few more steps closer to perfection.

A/N Its an english assignment that i had to write so i hope its good. let me know what you think, and check out the life i was missing :) (this is a fixed version of english story)

Haley Hay Hay xx 

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