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Marinette woke up later in the day as a normal Saturday would go. Well, a normal Saturday would be waking up to screaming and chaos, but this Saturday morning was old school normal. Awaking by the sun hitting your eyes instead of the screams filling your ears. Marinette got up and took a shower, getting dressed to take on her shift for the bakery. She wore some black tights and a dark green baggy sweater she found in her drawers. She tied her hair back into a bun to keep it away from the food, and headed downstairs. Tikki decided to stay upstairs and try coloring with a crayon the same size as herself.

Marinette ate a quick breakfast before tying an apron around her waist and taking over the cash register. The customers rolled in and out, none staying or lingering. It soon became mid day, and Marinette had sold a lot. But Sabine kept filling the cases with food.

She had her back turned when she heard the door bell chime. She turned, and saw Adrien walk towards her. He wore a long sleeve black shirt and an opened dark purple coat. It looked really stylish on him, and the purple brought out his eyes. But for some reason, when Marinette looked at him, she felt the butterflies but not the anxiety. He approached the cash register and pulled out his wallet.

"Hello Marinette. A croissant, two strawberry macaroons, and a cheese pastery, please." Adrien asked.

"No problem." Marinette said confidently. She pulled out a bag, and individually wrapped each item. She put the macaroons inside a box, and handed him both.

Adrien handed her the cash, and she placed it in the register.

"It looks like you have been keeping busy. The croissants are hot." He commented, noticing the heat radiating off the bag that he held.

"Yeah. We keep selling out, but as soon as we sell out of something, it's replaced." She told him. Adrien didn't look surprised, but in his mind, he was surprised. He definitely noticed that constant stuttering over the years, but now Marinette seemed totally normal. Exactly how she acts when she is around Chat or Alya.

"Did something good happen? You seem especially relaxed and happy." Adrien commented, giving a soft smile. Although the smile did not fail to give Marinette a slight blush.

"I had a wonder day yesterday, and a beautiful sleep. Thank you for asking." She replied politely, although the blush was evident.

"See you later Mari." He said. It felt like an arrow shot through Marinette's chest. Did he just say Mari?

"See you later Adrien." Marinette waved back. When he left the store, Marinette started to breathe again, not realizing she was holding her breath.

Sabine swung out of the kitchen and grinned at Marinette.

"He called you Mari, AND you didn't stutter. I'm so proud of you!" She hugged Marinette, which of course she loved. Her mother had always been super supportive of her obsessions. If it hadn't been for her mother, she'd have never gotten into fashion.

"Mama. I've got to tell you something." She spoke. Her mom was all ears.

"I think the reason I don't stutter anymore is because I found another guy that I really like." She confessed. Sabine nodded.

"Let me guess. Is it Chat Noir?" She guessed correctly. Marinette's eyes widened significantly, surprised that her mother knew.

"Don't seem surprised. I walked in to check on you, and I saw you talking to him in your room. I guess he climbed in through the window or hatch. And funnily enough, you were talking about different types of cheese." Sabine pulled from her memory. Marinette remembered that conversation. It was the year before. Chat had his old suit.

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