Metting ???

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Justin's Pov :
Ughhh it's time for me to finish packing all my things because it's time to move to la ! I am excited because I have so many friends in la but I'll also miss all my fiends here . I also get to see Reagan like everyday and it's almost out 6 month!!! So I'm excited about that . (Time skip) I get off the plane and I see four people running to me (kale, Reagan , Ryan , and Tish) . I give Reagan a huge hug and we kiss multiple times . I whispered in is jear "we can finish this later bb boy ". Apparently fish head me because she looked at me snd giggled

Reagan POV: Justin just got to La and I'm so excited !!! He lives just down the street from me so we could see each other everyday plus we would go to the same school !!!! When he got off the plane he hugged me and gave me so many kisses. I tried to put my tong in his mouth he whispered in my ear "we can finish this later bb boy" . Idk what that is supposed to mean but I'm excited to find out !!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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