One year after humanity had eliminated the titans from the world, Eren and Mikasa wanted to go swimming in the ocean. She and Eren had never been and were both looking forward to seeing it. Mikasa decided to invite Annie, Armin, Sasha, Jean, Connie, Krista, Ymir, Zoe and some others. The only problem was that none of them has swimming suits. A day before they were going to the beach they all decided to go on a shipping trip to the swim suit store. The store was huge and many of the girls stared in awe at the huge amounts of swimsuits. Each girl ran over to different displays smiling with joy. The boys headed off to the end of the store to the boys section. Mikasa headed of too a rack that carried red bikinis. Krista was right beside her looking at pink bikinis with frills all over them. Just like Krista, Mikasa thought. She picked out too bikinis she likes and held then out to Krista.
"Which one do u like better," she asked. Krista looked at the too swimsuits, they were both a dark red but one had frills around the top and the other one was checkered.
"Humm, I like the frilly one better, but on you the checkered one would look best on you," Krista replied.
"Thanks," Mikasa said, "I'm going to go try it on," she said as she headed over to the changing rooms. Meanwhile Eren and Armin were having trouble picking swim trunks.
"Well, I could get this brown one or I could get that green one," Eren said holding brown trunks while pointing to some green ones.
"I think you should get the green ones," Armin said picking up the green trunks.
"Ok. Thanks Armin, I'm going to try them on."
Eren walked over to the changing room were he saw some of the girls talking to each other about swim suits. He walked in the changing room, took of his shirt and pants and slipped on the swimming trunks. He walked out to go ask Armin how he looked when he ran into Mikasa, who just happened to have just changed into he swimsuit and was about to ask Annie her opinion. Eren stared at Mikasa in her red bikini.
The beach ( a attack on titan story)
FanfictionA story about characters from attack on titan going to the beach