Mid Atlantic Ridge

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Mid Atlantic Ridge

You are my body

Continuously being stretched 

To be in multiple places at once

You spread yourself too thin

You could be forever building yourself up jus to break down again

You are constantly changing- 

Never knowing if it's for better or worse or maybe just going through the motions

You are so used to changing that you never really know who you are

Your movement seems major to yourself but to everyone else, there's hardly any difference

You wonder why it's still happening but you can't control it

You continuously question why you do the things you do but you can't make it end

You think about the world around you- the universe- the stars

About how everything you know came from there

It all started out the same- as stardust

You and me and the planets all originated from cosmic explosions billions of years ago

Yet look how different it all is now

We are all changing no matter how slowly

We are all constantly rebuilding our skin just like the earth reforms its surface

Change is always here whether you notice it or not

You are directly connected to the universe- and neither one will be the same as it started

Sometimes you wish the earth would stop turning 

You wish you could stop going through the motions

You are tired of change

You wish it would stop

but it will never stop

Mid Atlantic RidgeWhere stories live. Discover now