True Happiness

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Hey mom and dad!

If you're reading this, I'm probably lost to the world by now. I knew this day was fast approaching... I guess I just didn't think it would get so bad so fast. I want you guys to know the absolute pain I'm going through, I want you to understand how the most perfect life can come crumbling down quicker than a card house on a windy winter morning. So much to say, but I'm afraid I don't have enough time left...still, let me start at the very beginning, that dull Christmas day, my birthday.

My friends were all gathered in that tiny room, remember? It was a shame to every other living room in the world. I was turning 16, no big celebrations though. You guys couldn't afford it. We barely made ends meet. Yet, every year, you threw me a little party, with the tiniest cake and the smallest gift. I looked forward to this day every year. I still remember the smiles you wore that day, big, wide and beautiful. Your little girl was becoming a little woman! You said you had a special gift for me, that it was outside. You went out the door to fetch it. The next thing I knew was hearing the squeal of breaks and your screams, and you were gone...

You guys didn't make it out of that accident, and I could never get over it either. Aunt Mabel started taking care of me from that day. I would cry myself to sleep almost every night remembering you. Aunt Mabel would scream her lungs out at me after a long day of drinking and gambling with her friends, even though she had hardly any money. Finally, she forced me into taking odd jobs just so she could get money to gamble away.

School wasn't going too well either. I went from straight A genius to failing freak. Nothing in my life mattered to me anymore. Even my friends started to ignore me as I got weirder and weirder every day. Then one day, a strange senior came up to my table. My friends used to say that this guy took drugs every single day and that he even sold them to unsuspecting fools. I was the unsuspecting fool that day. Life didn't matter anymore, and I tried drugs for the first time in my life. That was the most horrible decision I have ever made in a moment of great weakness. I'm so sorry. You raised me better than that. After that first try though, I couldn't stop.

I got more addicted to it than I have ever gotten to anything else in my entire life. I craved those few hours of happiness I got from taking them. I loathed the entire world for those spells of times when I couldn't get any, and I even got violent a few times. I started collecting drugs from the seniors and began selling them to make a little extra money. This money I used to delve into the world of happiness that had fast become my only home. In no time at all, I was too addicted to stay off it for even a minute. Those few moments where I couldn't get any, I was a wreck. I feel ashamed to know I was like that, that I let myself dance to the tunes that I had promised I would never ever dance to...I knew I had to snap out of it soon, or my life would be ruined.

I slowly stopped showing up to those "drug meetings" (where the main people circulated the drugs for our use and for us to sell) and I stopped selling any more drugs. Within a year, I was finally able to accomplish that! I was free of the world of drugs! But the world of drugs wasn't ready to free me yet. Word got around to the main people, and they weren't too happy about it.

That senior who first introduced me to those wretched drugs tried to persuade me to jump back into the wonderful world of happiness. I was so tempted to. But I refrained myself. Then, he tried to blackmail me to get me back in. I boldly refused. Next day, the "main people" wanted to talk to me. They're now threatening me. I sell those drugs, or else the police will "anonymously" receive evidence about me having sold drugs. I had a really tough decision to make at that point. And I'm done making it. I'm tired of living this existence. I don't want to sell drugs. I want you. I want to see you, touch you, feel you, and be with you. So, I'm coming now, pursuing true happiness. We're going to be reunited again!


AN: So? how is this story guys? I really put all my emotions into this story while writing it and i'm quite happy with it! please tell me what you think of the story, whether you hated it, loved it or whatever! :) and don't forget to vote if you think i deserve it (but pls vote!). OK then, baieeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

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