The Beginning of the Trouble

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A girl walked in. she looked at me slightly scared. as she chose the bottom bed away from my bed. she seemed nice, but she instantly had a terrified look on her face as the door creaked open. a boy walked in I think I remember this boy, he's that pervert who was making out with that girl on the locker? why is he here? "Hello, ladies." He said with a grin I flinched as I thought what a pervert. the other girl had hidden under her blankets. I was slightly confused... as he walked over to the other girl I narrowed my eyes as he said, "Hello Kiko miss me?" he placed his hand on her hip while she still was under the blanket. I got up, walked over to the man and picked up his hand from his wrist off of the Kikos hip and said she's fine. you? he slightly glared at me as he threw his suitcase over her bed on top of the bunk above her. I saw hands reach out from under the blanket as Kiko wrapped her hands around my waist. as she whispered thanks, I rubbed my hand where I think her head was, then walked back to my bunk. the door opened again as a strangely small girl walked in. I think that was the apologetic girl I saw who bumped into me. she said "Hello I'm Koneko I'm your roommate." she did a quick bow (in japan that means like a thank you) she put her bag above my bunk, as I smiled at how adorable she struggled up the ladder. all the sudden that boy said, "Hey ladies wanna do something fun?" I Ayoto shot him a disgusted look, as I was also pissed as he laughed "Not like that I mean my buddy is having a party in a week he invited everyone I wanted you to come cause your my new roommates I wanted to meet you all and get to know each other!" he smiled strangely "Sure as long as there's food." I grunted and he smirked, "of course." Kiko looked awfully scared then he said "Whats all of your names?" "Ayoto" I winced as he smiled more "I-i'm Kiko" she choked out "I'm koneko but you already knew that" she muttered, he smiled and said "I'm AKIHIKO"

he will not harm any of us.

                                                               Kiko's (POV)

the door opened to reveal the abusive man. he walked in, he pulled the door shut and said, "Hello, ladies" I covered myself with covers but to no avail, I heard him say "Hello Kiko miss me?" I felt a second of confusion, but that was quickly overwhelmed when I felt him touch my hip seductively. I stopped breathing at that point as if he would get confused because he only saw movement and then leave me alone, but he stayed there. I felt much better when his hand was lifted by the tall girl. she said I was fine. I wrapped my hands around her and thanked her for that I was so scared. someone then walked in and said "Hello I'm Koneko I'm your roommate" she bowed and then she claimed the other bed's top bunk and crawled up there. "Hey ladies wanna do something fun?" the tall girl shot him a disgusted look. he laughed "Not like that I mean my buddy is having a party in a week he invited everyone I wanted you to come cause your my new roommates I wanted to meet you all and get to know each other!" he smiled strangely "Sure as long as there's food." the tall girl did something because he smirked at her "of course."I was scared... then he said "Whats all of your names?" "Ayoto" the girl who just introduced herself as Ayoto winced and he smiled more "I-i'm Kiko" I choked it out it was hard to even just tell my name to him. "I'm koneko but you already knew that" she muttered, he smiled and said "I'm AKIHIKO" 

the devil himself had spoken.

                                                                     Koneko (POV)

I saw my dorm and I saw a man walk in. it was the man from the front of the school and I decided to go in after him, but I overheard the conversation inside. I just stared in horror at what i was hearing. I soon realized I just stood there in that one position for 5 ish minutes, so I decided to go in... NOT IN A STALKER WAY OF COURSE! I went in and introduced myself. I said "Hello I'm Koneko I'm your roommate" I like bunk beds and hammocks because I like being off the ground. I throw my bags on my new bed and struggled up the ladder I said something that was too soft for anyone else to hear... "grrr fuckn' stupid cheap ladderz feck it" the man thought about something for a second (I'm guessing its evil from what I heard earlier) "Hey ladies wanna do something fun?" Ayoto shot him a disgusted look. he laughed "Not like that I mean my buddy is having a party in a week he invited everyone I wanted you to come cause your my new roommates I wanted to meet you all and get to know each other!" he smiled strangely. he was probably up to no good. "Sure as long as there's food." Ayoto grunted and he smirked at her "of course."Kiko was scared... then he said "Whats all of your names?" "Ayoto" Ayoto winced, and he smiled more "I-i'm Kiko" Kiko choked out I can tell she is uncomfortable "I'm koneko but you already knew that"  I muttered. he smiled and said "I'm AKIHIKO" 

I will remember that.

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