7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 4

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I have way too much free time xD It's spring break for me, that's why!



Nate’s just trying to get in my head. I’ve had to tell myself that repeatedly. Of course he’s just trying to get me to cave in. Tough luck—I’m quite hard to get. Seriously though, can he just stop with the stupid flirting or whatever? It’s not turning me on whatsoever; it’s just disgusting me even more. God, he’s such a pervert.

Lily had her arms folded across her chest. “Un-freaking-believable,” she muttered resentfully. “I swear he doesn’t know when to leave a girl alone.”

“Well,” Jackson interrupted, “you know how he is. He doesn’t stop until he’s slept with her.”

“Persistent bastard,” she spat.

“Hopefully he finds someone hotter—not that you aren’t hot, Jemma, you really are. You get what I mean though.” I merely shrugged; I don’t really give a crap. “Still…he’s usually not persistent like this—you’re the only girl who’s ever rejected him. So it’s only natural that he’d try and get you to sleep with him.”

“Well he should know that I’m not going to give in to him,” I snapped. “He should just give up and find some other girl to fuck.”

“Language,” Alex scolded in a singsong voice; I rolled my eyes. “I agree though,” he said before jolting, startled. “Crap. It’s him!”

All of us turned in unison to see Nate heading towards us, some curly brunette wrapped in his arms. “What do you know, he’s already found someone else,” Jackson scorned.

I let out a breath of relief. “Oh thank God!” However, he was still heading our direction to our table; we tried to act normal and ate our Subway sandwiches.

Once he got here, he shot me a look, winking at me. I rolled my eyes, revolted. Looking over my group of friends, he greeted casually, “Howdy.”

“What are you doing here?” Jackson asked crossly.

Nate raised a brow. “Snappy one, aren’t you?”

“Just answer the damn question,” he demanded.

Nate held the girl closer to him. “I was just walking around the mall, looking for clothes to by, when I found this sexy girl at the smoothie shop.” The girl smiled, flattered by his words. I don’t know why though, but Nate was watching me the whole time—watching me reaction to all this. I wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction. I knew what he wanted, so I kept a straight face. He frowned, as he pressed his lips on the nape of the girl’s neck.

“Oh, God, do you mind?” Jackson exclaimed. “Seriously, get a room so you two can have sex, and then leave her like you always do with those million girls before her.”

The brunette’s face fell, jaw dropped. Oh yeah, girl, he’s a player. When she turned to Nate, who had a guilty expression, she smacked him across the face before leaving him. He turned to Jackson. “What the hell was that?!”

Jackson shrugged. “She needed to know that she’s being played.” All of us except Nate started bursting out in laughter. “It looks like she was looking for a serious relationship—not a hookup.”

He rolled his eyes. “Whatever; like a give a fuck about her anyways.”

“You don’t give a fuck about any girl,” I snapped. He turned to me, an amused expression held as I glared at him. “What? It’s true.”

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