The results

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"That's all" I say as I watch my friends faces covered in tears dripping from their faces. My parents sobbing my moms face on my dads shoulder the doctors and police look shocked and even show a hint of sadness. The police scribble into their charts and say that's enough information thank you and our condolences. I thank them. And I put on a strong face everyone seems to believe it but I'm breaking snapping dying on the inside.

Just then a doctor busts in the door saying we have the results for the test.
He shows the doctor and says it's Jacksons DNA.
In my already fragile state I start to cry just hearing his name makes me sick. I get flashbacks his touch on my arms his lips o my face and neck his hand slapped across my face his body forcing against mine and his voice telling me be good. The blood all the blood. It's driving me nuts I can't get him out of my head I need him to get out. Why did he have to do this why me why anyone at all he's ruining my life as much as I fight against it but with what happened to me I can stop him from doing it to anyone else. The police immediately leave with the evidence to go get him.
Sophie and Gabriella give me a hug then Summer joins in and I start to cry all over their shoulder my parents and Noah watch from a distance My dad and Noah knowing I'm not comfortable with male touch and I'm not sure if
I will be for a while. The police man also says we have someone on their way to his house to arrest him. I feel relived but questions also fill my mind what if he isn't there? What if he runs? What if he's done it to another girl? What if he says that I said yes or wanted it?

These questions hurt me send shivers down my spine and put an aching through my body and I can see his face again I can hear his words whispered in my ear. It hurts me I'm scared to be alone he scares me and even though he'll be locked up I know he'll be out one day what if he comes back what if he wants to hurt me. I can't stand that thought he's done enough he's left his mark and I'm not sure if it'll ever disappear.

But for now I'm safe I the hospital from physical harm maybe but not from my thoughts not from his marks.

So I pull up the covers and turn on the tv I flip through the Chanel's looking for a show. My mom gives me a hug and I flinch but only a little a look of sorrow lands across her face and tears prick at her eyes but she holds it in says I'll be back soon and leaves the room with dad.

My friends hop into bed and as Noah is about to he notices the look of fear on my face and he sits on the chair instead. Finally we land on a show called the big band theory which we all happen to love. And slowly as we get into it my discomfort slowly eases and I can relax for the time being.

Time skip we've finished a few episodes when my parents and the police come through saying they've found him and he's being held at the station. He pleaded innocent there will be a trial. Just that word alone woke me up from my calm place I should have known it wouldn't last nothing ever does.

Time skip

I lay awake in my bed everyone gone I'm alone with the darkness. I lay thinking of what I'll say at my trial but I decide to tell only the truth nothing more nothing less exactly what he did to me what happened before what happened after the witnesses and drinks I drank the room and everything my fear others fear his words and what I said "stop" and "no" but all at the same time trying not to bring back that horrible horrible memory still haunting me.

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