He is your brother

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"Oh good you are here" said one the nurse after reaching the hospital with Sana.
"She is in here" that same nurse said as she opened the room's door for us.
Sana looked at me and I looked at her.

At the other side of the door was me(well my look alike) in the hospital bed with two nurse and a doctor trying to inject her.
From what I saw she seemed possessed, and from what Sana saw.. Well she was speechless.
The girl was also speechless and stopped her screaming ,yelling and well been possessed when she saw me.
"Now ahana" said the doctor " you need this injection"
Ahana .. That's why the boy.. Huh
"Who.. Wh.. Who is she" said the confused girl while pointing towards me.
"Maybe she has hit her head too hard"said the doctor again"I will leave the two of you alone"
After the nurses and doctor had left.. I shook Sana to bring her to her sense and we both sat beside Ahana to find out why we were look alike.
But how do we start the conversation,the three of us just stared at each other .. Until Sana said
"Maybe you are lost twins"
That honestly made me laugh or maybe it was true that's why my mother was keeping me locked .
"Birthday "she asked me
"29th April" I replied ..
"Oh 23 September"she then said quite upset .
"hmm maybe we are not,plus I heard somewhere you have 7 lookalikes in the world ... "I said
"Maybe that's the only valid explanation,I mean I saw my baby pics and I was alone ... Only with my annoying brother"
"Anyways thanks for saving my life"
"Ohh right, now I remember why I had that accident,gal you have to look out more."
"Thanks"I said with a smile ..
I signaled Sana that it was time to go.
"OK then we have to go back to our college"Sana said getting up
" oh where do you study" she asked us
" Ohh university of photography"Sana said still standing up and me halfway to the door.
Ahana's face was frozen for a while when she heard that name.
"Is something the matter"I asked again coming towards her bed.
"did a boy named aahil see you?"she asked me
"I only came like a day ago.. But I did meet a boy.. Hmm tall, fair,black haired and open lips"
Sana looked at me when I gave that description,trying to avoid her next question,i again said "why ahana who is he"
"My brother " she answered in a very serious way ..
" Ohh maybe we should tell him that you are here" Sana suggested now taking her original seat.
"Noooo"Ahana quickly protested"she held Sana's hand and said " you can't do that .. "
"But why?" Was my question
"Coz he is a snitch, he will tell my parents about the accident, and this is the fourth accident I have been in this week and they will take away my car"
"You are kidding .."both Sana and I said at the same time.
"nope" she said ... "And now I need a help from you.... "Ahana said looking towards me.
"and that is??"
"Pose as me for a few days until I get better"
At hearing that Sana got up and said .."she came to live her life not urs"
"Ohh live your life .. Do what you want .. Just in front of my dumb brother ... Just pretend to be me.. Its easy,because he doesn't know me that well."
"I can't.. I mean how can I".. I said
"Ohh come on,I saved your life .. Do just this.. Its not like you have to talk to him all the time."
I smiled at Ahana ... She was playing the life saver card on me.
I then looked at Sana .. She looked as confused as me.
"OK fine I will" I couldn't complete my sentence but Ahana hugged me tight.. And said .."Ohh thank u"
After all this drama I lay in bed at night and thought to my self..
So the cute guy is my brother

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