THinGs AbOuT HeR

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She was the rainbow after the rain. The calm after the storm. She was the first snowfall of the year. She was my sun, I liked to believe that I was her moon. She was selfish in the way that she loved. She wasn't selfish to her lover, but she was to herself. She gave her all, she loved fiercely. She put in more love than any of it was worth, and all she got in return was a beaten, bruised, and bloody shell of the heart she gave away. All I wanted was to show her the love that she deserved, I wanted to show her just how special she was. I never got that chance though, she slipped right through my fingertips. I watched fall off of a cliff of endless heartbreak and emotional torture. I could have been there for her. I could have made things okay. I could have fixed her, made her see that there was more to life than what she saw. People hated her, but I loved her more than life itself, and now I would do anything to bring her back. Nothing could ever be the same because she was everything good in the world and me, I was nothing.

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