Ever After High: The Tale of a Rose

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Hi. My name is Ruby. I am the daughter of the beast.

Ever since I was little I always thought of myself different from all the other kids in the village. Even from my parents. I was born with pink and red hair, just like a rose.

Eventually I realized I was a lot more different then I thought, as I got older.
Whenever I got angry, I would...change. I'd grow claws,horns, a mane, even a tail. I was really scared.

After my parents calmed me down on my first rage, we had a talk. They told me about a curse that was put on me when I was a baby. They called it, the Rose Curse, which did finally explain my hair.

The curse changed me physically and mentally. My anger would get out of control and that would lead to the stage of becoming, "a beast." Which then led to them telling me their story of how they met. I guess now I realize I'm not so different from my parents at all.

As I got older, I asked if they knew who exactly put the curse on me, and...they had no clue.

They said it happened late at night. When my father and mother came rushing to my room after hearing strange noises, but were too late to find the culprit that had left the window wide open. And instead, found that their baby girl's golden brown hair was of rich dark pink.

Since then, they've tried to find a way to reverse it but nothing nothing ever worked. So on my 16th birthday,my parents made me a necklace. A rose locket with a small magic mirror in a round golden frame. I loved it.
They said that as long a wore the necklace, nothing bad would happen to me whenever I'd get angry or scared.

They also said that the mirror in it allowed me to see what ever my heart desired. Especially so I could see them again when I would leave for high school.

I'll admit, I hated the idea of leaving. I loved being home with my family and hearing bed time stories from Mrs.Pots, and even laugh watching Lumiere and Gogsworth argue all the time over the littlest things. I especially loved dancing in the Ball Room. It was one of my favorite parts of the castle, besides the library. I'd sit on the balcony with my parents and we'd watch the stars.

On the day I was leaving, my parents made a surprise We'll Miss You party while I was in my room, packing. When I got downstairs I remember everyone having smiles on their faces when they jumped out and said "surprise!" happy for me. But I could sense some sadness there too.
There was food, dancing, grandpa was even there to say goodbye to me. You have no idea how hard it was to hold back all the tears. I watched as my parents waved goodbye through the carriage windows, thinking about all the things I would miss.

When I got to Ever After High, I felt like a complete outcast. Everyone had their own group. It was kinda awkward until I finally found my room. After I unpacked all my things, I plopped down on my bed. This was going be a long year.


So I decided to do an Ever After High FanFin

Hope ya like it^^

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