Snow and the Murder

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C H A P T E R 1 - F A I T H

A bit later that night, Bigby returned to his home of the Woodland Luxury Apartments, Fabletown. As he walked over to open the main gates of the building, he caught a glimpse of the plague of the building.

"Luxury Apartments." Bigby read from it. "I wish they wouldn't advertise that..." He muttered as he opened the gates and walked in the lot, the gates making a loud screeching sound behind him as they closed.

Bigby walked in the center of the lot and looked down at a sign plastered on the ground. It read 'STAY OFF THE GRASS'. Bigby furrowed his eyebrows and grunted, "Snow can sometimes be a disciplinarian..." Bigby shurruged and countined to make his way up to the few front steps of the apartment building, but swiftly stopped when he heard a crunch! of grass from behind him. He turned around to where the noise had come from and crossed his arms. Sighing, Bigby said "There's no walking on the grass. Snow White's orders. She made a sign and everything."

A beautiful young women with dirty blond hair and blue eyes emerged from her hiding space behind a few trees and made her way out from the tree she had been hiding behind. "I'll be sure to send her my apologies." She said and looked up at Bigby.

"Beauty." Bigby raised his eyebrow with slight concern as to why Beauty had been hiding away from him in the trees and bushes, or so he thought that was what she had been doing.

"Hello, Bigby." Beauty crossed her arms, looking away from Bigby for a few moments. "I... I wasn't expecting anyone. I know this looks a little bit odd, but there's an explanation to it, I swear."

"Why'd you hide from me when I walked up?" Bigby questioned Beauty.

"Well, I didn't know who it was. You can't be too careful these days." She sighed.

Bigby nodded and swayed a little bit, eyeing Beauty. "No, you can't."

After a few seconds of silence between the two, Beauty looked down at her watch. "Damnit, I'm late." She muttered, and started to walk over to the front gates of the apartments, but looked back over at Bigby nervously. "Please, Bigby... promise you won't tell Beast you saw me. He worries too much as it is... and it would just make my life a whole lot easier. Just please... Promise me."

"Sure." Bigby shrugged.

"You promise?" Beauty had a look of worry spread across her face.

Bigby nodded. "I promise."

Beauty smiled. "Thank you Bigby." She opened the front gates of the Apartments. "I'll explain it all to you later, I will, but I have go. Thank you... for trusting me. Really. I appreciate it, Bigby." Beauty closed the gates and hurried off away from the building as Bigby watched her with careful eyes.

Bigby walked into the front lobby, and looked over to the worker at the front desk who seemed to have fallen asleep on shift. Bigby rolled his eyes, and shock the workers arm lightly. "Hey, you awake?" He asked, but received no answer. Definitely asleep. "Hm, probably for the best." Bigby shrugged, he didn't want to be questioned as to why he was returning back home so late. Bigby walked over to the elevators and pressed the up arrow button, waiting for the doors to open up for him. When the elevator made a dinging sound, Bigby walked in and pressed the 4th floor button.

Just as the elevator was about to close, Beast had been walking by just in time to stop it from closing with his hand. "Bigby," Beast said. "Have you by any chance seen my wife? Have you seen Beauty?"

"Nope, haven't seen her." Bigby lied.

"Oh..." Beast sighed. "Sorry for bothering you..." As Beast was walking away, he sighed, "Something is going on..." The elevator had closed so Bigby couldn't listen to anymore of Beast's worries about Beauty.

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