The Day the world shook

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I was sitting in class, English to be precise when there was a squeaking noise coming from above. I looked up to find the lights shaking. Then the desks started moving. A shiver came down my spine as i knew what was about to happen. The Teacher screamed and told us to get out as fast as we could. I ran as if i was being chased my a million warriors who wanted to kill me. But i didn't make it out suddenly out of no where a large portion of the ceiling fell right in front of me i was lucky it didn't hit me. The rest of the ceiling was crumbling around. Then it was silent all the noise was disappearing slowly and before i knew it the room went black. I woke up to find myself lying on a very unstable surface. It was very dusty and dark. I then realised where i was and what had happened. I longed to be free from the cramped dark space where the rocks and rubble were hanging over me. My mind was confused about what to do. Should i have yelled for help? or stay quiet waiting for someone to come and get me if they come and get me. Out of no where the sound of voices became clear as well as the sounds of footsteps.My heart started to beat like an 808 drum. I tried to call for help which i think they heard through the coughs and splutters caused by the dust. All the rocks and rubble started to ease of me at first i thought i was imaging it but i wasn't someone had found me !. I was jumping with joy,Mentally. I started to feel the daylight shining on my face it felt good to know that i was a few metres away of touching freedom. I finally felt me feet touch actual ground. I looked round to see my parents waiting for me. I stumble towards them, my mum grabs me tight and says " I thought i lost you" with tears of joy streaming down her face. I started to cry and i saw my friend in the distance i screamed her name and stumbled, trying to run, towards her she was fine i was so happy no one had been hurt. I was so glad to be reunited with my family and friends.

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