Chapter One

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The cold weather sent customers into the Ace of Clubs as if the winter wind pushed the people through the door itself. The worn leather bound booths were filled to capacity and the chipped wooden barstools held only a few openings. The staff was running thin for the night, with several of the servers unable to make it due to the weather, and having it is the last day of school for college students didn't help. Several of the staff members over lapped on jobs, some working as waiters and cooks and others working the bar too.

In one corner of the bar was a group of college students just starting their winter break. With each beer the group got louder and messier, by the time they finished off the night the floor would be covered with nacho cheese and BBQ sauce from the chicken wings. Along the booths were families with equally messy kids who left greasy hamburger fingerprints on the table and crayon marks on the wall. The wooden tables were filled of couples on awkward first dates and the bar was packed with single men and after each shot they became more and more interested in the pretty bartender.

Kinsley Harrison, a typical every day New York City waitress, was put on bartending that night and still had to balance her regular waiting shift. At a simple glance Kinsley looked to be anything but organized and under control. Her normally perfected golden hair was pulled back in a messy high ponytail; with lose strands falling over her face. Her red dress shirt was only half tucked in to her black skinny jeans and the slick black tie hung loosely around her neck.

"Barkeep!" a middle aged, pudgy man howled from the bar. Her waved his empty shot glass in the air then slammed it back down on the counter.

"I'll be there in a moment!" Kinsley replied grabbing a family's meal from the back and balancing them along her arms. Carefully but quickly she carried the plates over to one of the waiting booths. "Burger and fries for the gentlemen and the chicken wrap for the lady" she flashed the youngest member of the family a warm smiled and set the kids meal in front of her "and for the little princess chicken strips and fries".

The little girl clapped happily and with all the excitement she accidently knocked her hand against the cup of water and sent it to the floor. The water splashed against Kinsley's legs, leaving a large water stain on her pants.

"Oh my goodness, I am so-" the mother in the family started to apologize but Kinsley waved it off saying it was nothing, no harm no foul. She grabbed some napkins from her back pocket and dabbed her leg trying to dry it off but she didn't have much time before she had to get back to work. She walked back to the bar to serve the middle-aged man.

"Whiskey, neat" the man ordered his fifth drink, he started to show sighs of being under the influence, but nothing to be too concerned of just yet.

Kinsley leaned across the bar and flashed the man a smile "I'll be needing your keys first partner" she said in a southern accent, playing along with western barkeep slang.

"I'm not some drunk missy," the man said pointing and accusing finger at her.

"Then I am forced to deny you service" Kinsley pulled the shot glass away and took a step back.

The man groaned "fine" he grumbled and slid the shiny car keys across the counter to her.

"Neat right?" she asked pocketing the car keys. She had just finished preparing the drink when the rush of cold wind hit her skin. A young man with striking black hair came in an angry rage. He pulled one of the chairs out causing it to scrape across the floor. His expensive cell was pressed against his ear and he was talking a mile a minute.

He had a square set to his shoulders and there was pampered look to his clothes as though they had just come form the cleaner. Everything about him had screamed trust fund kid, spoiled rotten to the core.

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