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A/N: HUUUUGGGGGEEEEE shout out to @JennyDougherty as she still hasnt given up on me! Not trying to say the rest dont do anything! No! I loooovvvveeee all my readers equally. But she really stood out but yeah! Follow her lovelies!!!! ily!!! Dedicated to her as well!!!!! :) x -Jazmyn



*May 24th*

"Nathan..." Justin threatened through the phone.

"What??" I groaned.

"You know what!" He hissed.

Justin had called me from New York. Right now I was at Liverpool, UK. He told me about Veronica's drinking problem and how she had passed out a couple of times.

"Well what do you want me to do?? I'm the cause of the problem!" I practically yelled.

You think this is easy on me?? I've been so down and ashamed of myself.

"Yeah, and that's why your going to fix it." I could tell he was grinning down the phone.

"How?" I asked.

"With love. And music." And I instantly knew what to do.

"Genius!" I grinned.

"I know I am." Justin spoke through the phone even though I can tell he was smirking.

"No I mean my talent for music but for that too!" I chuckled.

"Nathan, I will-"

"BYE!" I yelled before pressing the big red button on my iPhone.

Smiling to myself, I grabbed my keys and headed off to the studio.



"You are coming, if it's that last thing you do." Kelsey smiled sweetly but threatened.

"Your... Your threatening me?" I questioned as I lazily sat on couch. Yeah... I'm drunk. Kelsey came to New York to visit me and see how I was. Yeah, she already knew about my drinking problem...

I grabbed the beer that was on the coffee table but Kelsey grabbed it from me.

"Hey! I waaassss aaaabout to taake a siiiip!" I slurred.

"Sip? Nah." She waved me off.

"So... wheeerrrreee aaammm I going agaaaiiin??" I questioned.

"To the park so you don't drink beer." Keksey sighed.

"Fine. But I'm... going to sleeeep..." I rested my head on the pillow that was on my bed and slept.


Next Day

When the curtains parted, the sun came peeking through my window. My vision through my eyelids was red. I opened my eyes to be blinded by the yellow rays.

"Fuck..." I groaned as I covered my face with a pillow.

"GO AWAY SUN!" I yelled at the sun apparently.

"NOBODY WANTS YOU HERE!" I groaned into the pillow. I peeked out to see that the sun was covered by a cloud.

Oh my gosh. I'm magic! Fuck yea-

"For fucks sake!" I groaned turning the other side as the sun came out again.

"Why won't the sun listen to me...?" I questioned as I dragged myself out of bed.

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