「96th period」: attendance time

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犬飼 彩葉
student no. 29

"Kayano" Nagisa smiled beside her. "Thank goodness you're alright.

"Nagisaaachoo—It's cold..." the girl sneezed midway, before realizing how her clothes looked: torn apart, especially near her chest area. "Hey! What's with this get up?!".

The guys blushed and averted their attention, except for Okajima who's head was forcibly turned by Kataoka.

Itona, on the other hand, couldn't be even blunter as he crouched in front of Kayano, sitting beside me and staring at the green-haired girl.

"W-What?" The girl asked, trying to get it out of him.

"Pathetic" the boy said nonchalantly, not batting an eye at his own remark.

"What is?!" Kayano exclaimed as Maehara walked over to her, lending his cardigan.

"Aw, c'mon—Korosensei even fixed up your hair for you" the playboy attempted to comfort her.

"Thanks... but I wish he'd fix up my clothes first" she said.

"Y'know, Korosensei's so generous with his care and all, you might've come out of that a little bustier than before" Okajima even had the guts to remark, as Yada turned to the octopus.

"Is that so, Korosensei?"

And it was then that we realized, when the octopus fell, the light atmosphere immediately changed in an instant. Our goofy perverted teacher, didn't even have enough energy to join in.

"Phew... I'm beat" he manage to croak out, despite being so unusually relieved and unusually frail.

We looked at our teacher who was lying in the ground, looking at us kindly.

"Class?" He called out to us. "What kind of an assassin would let a dying target escape? Don't you see? It's killing time. Fun times... are bound to end. That's what a classroom's all about".

With the laser right on schedule. We didn't have time to hesitate.

Isogai took charge. "Guys..."

We turned our heads to him as he told us, "We have to decide this ourselves. We could choose to stay out of this and leave it up to fate...".

"Show of hands: Who doesn't want to kill Korosensei?" the class representative asked, and slowly, everyone began raising their hands.

He was overprotective, and at times annoying. But no one could compare to this teacher of ours. And honestly, you'd think, that having been assigned to kill him throughout the year would prepare us, but can anyone be ready enough to kill someone so important in their lives?

"Okay, hands down" Isogai instructed before moving on to the next question. "Who wants to kill him?".

It was a conflict of feelings.

We don't want to kill but we have to.

We don't want others to kill him so we'd do it ourselves.

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