Meeting Youtubers (Youtube Fanfic)

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The bell went. It was time for first lesson. I walked into my first class which happened to be boring music ( I hate that lesson). I sat down and Mr Smith started talking about music notes , i nearly fell asleep until someone knocked at the door. Mr Smith opened the door and said "Are you that new kid who has come from America". The Boy said "Yes" and he sat down next to me. As soon as i saw his face i could'nt move it was like someone had frozen me with a freeze gun.

He sat next to me and i was screaming in my head , i was screaming "Oh my god its , its Alex Wassabi". I was staring at him for about 1 minute without blinking. He said to me " Um why are you staring at me". I said "I wasnt staring at you , i was staring at that bird outside its looks weird. He gave me like a oooooook look and as soon as i he did i looked away from him and i went all red. Mr Smith started giving out some plain papers and he told us that we had until the end of the lesson to make a poster (which was a problem because i couldnt remember what sir said , i was thinking about Alex all the time ). The first thing that i did was put my hand up and i shouted to sir "Sir have you got a pencil cuz i need one". Mr Smith said "Sorry i gave the last one to Michael".

So i sat there for about 10 minutes trying to ignore Alex at all costs. After 10 minutes of pure boredness Alex said to me "so whats your name". I said "My name's Caitlin". "My names - ", as he just about to say his name i said "Alex , your names Alex". "And how do you know my name?" I said "Well everyone knows your name your Alex Wassabi from Wassabi Productions on Youtube". I whispered "im a wassabian" (which is what he and his friend calls his fans) Alex : So if you know me so much then i guess that i might as well know you too.

Lesson was nearly over and me and Alex rushed trying to remember things about music because we hadnt even started our posters. Mr Smith came to us and said " well this looks rushed". Alex said to Mr Smith "can me and Caitlin be in the same lessons". Mr Smith : "Well sure but you will have to go to KS3 first , you can now if you want to". So me and Alex went to KS3 and we sorted it out.

Later on that day i had P.E and as i was going into the girls gym i saw Roi (Alexs Friend) bump into my friend Terezia , She saw his face and froze just like i did when i saw Alex for the first time , She was about to faint but lookily i caught her. The next day was satuarday so me and Alex decided to go to the hospital to see if Terezia was ok. Alex dragged Roi to the Hospital and he said to Roi "Look you have to come 1. You caused it. and 2.This girl fainted for you like actually fainted for you".

So when we got to the hospital Terezia was sitting on the hospital bed she was ok luckily. Roi want to Terezia and said "im sorry if i scared you when we bumped into each other" Terezia : "Its okay i know who you are anywayz and i know who you are." ................... It was the last day before Alex and Roi had to go back to America , We all said our goodbye's and we saw them go up in the plane. We still keep in touch and im best friends with Alex now. Roi and Terezia Go out and they always keep in touch via Skype.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2014 ⏰

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