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(Hello! Author~Chan, here! Hope ya enjoy the prologue!)

Y/n=Your Name

H/c=Hair Color

E/c=Eye Color

"do you see the target?" A mysterious figure asks the human in Spanish. The man nods as a girl with h/c hair in the back of her family group walks along the sidewalk of Buenos Aires, laughing with who is obviously her sister.

"just remember: grab her, make 'er pass out with some chloroform, and head back to hq. take the girl next to her, if ya need ta, but don't kill any of 'em. got it?" The figure reminds him and the man nods.

As the man moves towards his target, another man comes up from behind him and joins him as they tail the group. Your group, that is.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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