Stick & String

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Their laughter ringing in my ears slowly taking over my aim. A tear slowly falls down my face onto my fingers dripping through my knuckles to my finger tips. The string slips out of my hands and the arrow is flung at my target. I hit the blue not the center. Their laughter grew more and more louder into one continious laugh.


I grab for another arrow slowly when a remark makes it way across the room to my ears.

" you'll never be an archer, your just a girl with a stick & a string. Go back to playing dress up and leave archery to the big guys!"

The anger fills up inside of me slowly makeing its way up to my head by the time the laughter rose up again I have an arrow notched and already sighted up. I close my eyes and block out the laughter i open them up not to find the target againest the wall but somthing magical. i release my grip on the string and the arrow makes to way staight to the target , dead center, the laughter stops. I hang up my bow and look to see the amazment on their faces. I know what their thinking " i was just out shot by a girl."

I look straight into the guys eyes and say" who's carrieing a stink and a string now?"

I feel the happiness start taking over the anger Inside of me. They spread apart while I walk through the crowd to take my seat. Their all just staring at me while I was waiting to pull my arrows. The buzzer sounds and I get up to pull. I noticed the guys stayed back so I could pull my alone. Their targets were disorganized and none of their arrows were in the yellow. I silently laughed while I took my time pulling them out if the wall. Their anger was growing by the second, I walked back to see them quickly shuttling down to their targets.

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