Truly Man

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His name is special. His heart it true. His touch is gentle. His pride is strong.

Tall and tan he stands. Gentle and soft he dances. Quiet and caring he speaks.

To me he is the sun. Burning high in the sky. Shining hope down upon the earth.

I rest in the dark sky. White and unseen by the sun. He knows not of my excitantce but I know his.

Earth talks a lot about the sun. His his jokes and his name. I wondered who this sun could be? Perhaps he shined as dark as the earth? Or as dim as the stars far away?

Then I told the earth I would be departing soon. I wished to crumble into dust and end my suffer.

Earth held on with his pull. He stalled my orbit and forced me to stay a bit longer. I tugged and pulled but I stayed.

Then that day I saw the sun. Just a glimpse and I knew he was great. I could feel the hope and desire in his soul.

His rays rained down on the earth. I waited for his rays to burn the match as a strike of hope to spear like wolf fire.

And day by day the sun did the same thing over and over. He began to loose his shine. He became dimmer and duller.

The earth complained but didn't pay much attention. He only wanted his warmth from the sun and nothing more.

I called out to the sun for I know the feeling. As I got closer I could feel it more. The coldness the sun has taken. His rays didnt move as far.

His mood and light was fading. I knew what he thought. He too wanted to depart. I got closer to the sun and tired to be friends and bring back his light.

Earth didnt see what I saw. When I was to depart he only held me here. I know the feeling too well and know the truth.

The sun needed something to want to stay. But there was nothing here for him nor me. I tried to find it for him and then I.
Days go by where I made the sun happy and shine a bit more but it always faded again when the comet came around again.

I grew to hate the comet for what it did. The comment reminded me a lot of what I had. Cold ice and greed. Nothing I could bear.

I glared at the comet and made my presence known. Later I was stuck with a stab of self hatred.

Departing was my only goal. I must leave my spot behind. the sun listened to me and didn't disagree. We talked alot and soon began to realize.

He made me Happy and I him. We neither departed from our spots. We bonded and I shared the reason why my craters are so deep.

He shared his past of why his rays squiggle sometimes. He is perfect in every way I see. and here I am proud to call the sun my husband.

He used his rays to pull me out of the darkness and allow my glow seep through.


The nieve earth fell in love and was crushed by his own stupidity. He blamed the moon for it all but the moon only tried to help. The sun became angry and turned his rays away from the earth. Earth needed to learn a lesson or two.

As for the sun and the moon they both learned alot about themselves and grew a string bond. The solar system didnt need the earth anymore.

For the sun will love the moon enough for the moon to hold the new light. And thus there would be change and a greater future.

The solar system was ridden of all the nieve. Earth remains regretting his past but never tries to fix it. There for earth remains in a eternal suffer.

Only to be stopped when earth stops its needless whines and tries to be better.

Truly Man -LariaRojoWhere stories live. Discover now