Prolouge - Fallen

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    THE YOUNG female sat at her crowded desk, looking at numerous maps of London. She let out a deep sigh, sitting back, glancing around the small shelf holding all the games she has played and won, obviously. She's known as one of the world's best gamers, but only some know her truly. The blonde girl got up and walked towards the games, picking out an old copy of Blue Dragons for the Xbox 360. "3 disk special, good times," She whispered quietly, setting it back into the shelf, coughing on the dust. Soon, she pulled out another game. Brink. Brilliant game, decent story line. She studied the man on the cover, red mask covering all of his head. However, she did get caught and banned for aim-botting. She did have good times with friends, however.

   Her iPhone buzzed, indicating a text message. She picked it up and read it out loud, "You cheated. Now pay." The woman tilted her head in confusion, however allowing for a hatchet to fall rapidly to her neck. She fell, blood pooling by her.

  Her spirit rose, glancing around. The killer had already left, leaving Lawrence to puzzle about what now?


Well well well, I seem to be writing another story :3 The plotline just came to my head on the bus home, and before I forgot, I had to write this prologue. Enjoy ;)


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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