The Perfect Mistake

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Mathew Carter, My best friend, had his house packed wih kids from school for an unplanned blowout party. His parents were away for the weekend which ment inviting a few freinds from school over, including me. Unfortunatly, due to his popularity, Most of the school turned out to be there.

    The party was now in full swing which made me glad that I had dreesed up. I was wearing a tight black and purple dress thst showed off my curves. Not my usual style, but i wanted to look good, even amoung the few freinds that were originally invited.

    The music was cranked up a notch and i joined the group of people who were on the mackeshift livingroom/dance floor, danceing to the heavy bass beat pumping throught the whole house. I ended up grinding up against some random guys who seaamed at least 5 years older than me. while i was enjoying moving to the beat, i found myself eyeing up the the schools hottest player john. he was absolutly geogeous; well built, tall just over six foot , green eyes that were to die for, and his hair, i just wanted to run my hands through it so badly. I loved its jet black color and the way in which it hung down sexily over one of those dazziling eyes.

    the way his lips curved up into a smile while i was staring at him made me feel quite self conscious. Furtively, i looked away and manovered myself over to the drink table were there were cups of a brownish yellowish liquid refreshments waiting to be consumed so I grabbed one and downd its contents. i had no idea what it was but i could feel the liquid running down my throat, leaving a burnning sensation along its path. i gasped from the shot of it,wiped my mouthand downed another one. While i was on my thied drink, som eof the dancers bumped into me during their gyrations, spurring me into action. I swaallowed the rest of my drink slowlly turned to face a guy who had turned to appologize for bumping into me and with out thought, i pounced. I stuck my tounge down his throat befor moving onto the next guy after a few seconds.

    I knew i was acting ccrazy, this was not the real me, but i continued on my mission to snog every guy i came in contact with. My head fealt heavy and dizzy as i turned around and saw john approching me with a huge mischeviouse grin on hiss beautiful face. He took my hand and tugging gently caused  me to float toards him and our lips meet as he kisses me so hard it leaves bite marks on my lips. Suddenly and unexpectedly, he grabbed a hold of my wrist and led me upstairs into one of the bedrooms. I knew what he wanted and all though the still sane part of me said no my legs wouldnt let me the allowed me to be pulled twards the destination he had in mind. 

the door closed.

my head pounded.

the room spun and i closed  my eyes.

i woke up with a dry, cottin ffeeling in my mouth, my lips cracked and my body cold. the last one was slightly confusing untill I realized that I was,it means I was NAKED!

What happened last night?!

opening my eyes fully, i saw john laying besiddes me, also naked. Only then did i realise the scen from the night befor start playing in my head like a bad movie. I never wanted to see again no no no i repeated,over and over,sitting upright and pulling the blanket arounf myself to cover my naked body. I began rocking back and forth while siting there which made him wake up.

he jumped out of the bed and started pulling his clothes on while demanding,"just forget this ever happened ,ok?'

i tore my eyes away from his naked body, felling discusted at what happened between us in my drunken,stupid condition sliping my half ripped dress back on

I sat there and silently,stunned and ashamed, when sudenly anger filled me. I shot him an eagle glare, i raced from the house, not bothering to hear any thing else he may have to say. i couldnt belive i had sex with him! not like this. it was wrong. i would do as he said; i would just forget it ever happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2012 ⏰

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