Ben vs Jeff The Killer

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This story takes place in a town where a boy named Benjamin Blake, drowned. The police report states that his father was a suspect and could have been the one that drowned him. His father was mysteriously found dead 3 days after his sons death. Rumor has it that Ben's spirit haunts a certain game he used to play. That game was hidden somewhere in an old house after the previous owner commited suicide. No one has brought the house since then, after a while the neighbors assumed the house was abandoned.

Jeffrey woods is now 21 and is still on his killing spree. His current location is an old house where he stays to avoid the cops. He never stayed in one place for a long time so this place was temporary. Jeff was slowly falling asleep on an old ripped up couch until he started hearing faint music in one of the back rooms upstairs. "What the fuck is that" Jeff said slightly irritated. He growled as he got up, Jeff didn't realize it was the song of healing being played backwards but When he walked upstairs and into the other room Majors Mask was on the TV. "This damn place shouldn't even have electricity how the fuck is the TV on?" Jeff said walking into the cold dark room. The game made a loud high pitched laughing sound and shut off leaving Jeff standing in a dark room. When the TV flashed on Jeff grabbed his knife out of reflex. "What the fuck" Jeff said staring at the screen. There was a saved file on the game that said Ben. "Wanna play a game" a text appeared on the side of the screen. Jeff growled and unplugging​ the TV only for it to come back on as he was walking out of the room."Great first some tall motherfucker in the woods now this shit" Jeff mumbled to himself as the game started to play on it's own. Irritated, Jeff stomped on the Nintendo smashing it. The TV went into static, Jeff couldn't​ tell if it was the voices in his head or actual voices coming from the TV. "You shouldn't have done that" a voice came from the TV a short soaking wet figure wearing a legend of Zelda costume crawled out of the TV. He had blonde​ hair and looked similar to the character link but instead of having blue eyes his eyes where all black with red pupils. As he stood up Jeff noticed that he looked as if he was crying blood. "You've met with a terrible fate haven't you" He said with a ​slight smirk. When he spoke, he talked as if he had multiple voices. "Who the fuck are you" Jeff spoke through his teeth "You know it's not nice to break things, ESPECIALLY WHEN ITS NOT YOURS !" The boy yelled, a spark of electricity shot out of his hand heading straight towards Jeff. Jeff quickly moved out of the way, and fell on the floor he could feel the heat of the electricity pass by him as he moved. He looked at the whole in wall next to him where the fiery ball of electricity just hit. "Tell me something Jeff, do you have any idea how painful it is to drown" He looked down at Jeff. His smirk turned into a sadistic smile. Jeff smirked and looked down, He started laughing, at first it was quiet then it got louder and louder as he raised his head looking up at the boys eyes."You don't know pain." The boy laughed, his laugh was the high pitched laugh from earlier. "You're Ben aren't you" even though Jeff had a smile cut in his face it was noticable that he was still smirking. Jeff launched up to attack Ben but he vanished. "This is going to be be fun" A voice came from behind Jeff causing him to quickly turn around only to see nothing. The only light that filled the room was the static from the TV. Jeff scanned the room, all of a sudden he felt an electrifying and excruciating pain hit his back. He fell forward, his body twitched as he laid paralyzed on the floor. "You're not dead yet, that was only enough to paralyze you temporarily" Ben kneeled down and grabbed Jeff by the hair to make him look up. "I never got your name" Ben said smirking, Jeff laughed at the pain and started to slowly wiggle his fingers "I'll spell it out for you." Jeff managed to wiggle out of the temporary paralysis enough to move his hands. He took his knife and carved the letters J.E.F.F on the wooden floor then stabbed Ben's hand which was right next to where he was carving his name. Ben disappeared and Jeff was able to get up. Jeff shook off the pain but as he was getting up Ben reappeared in the corner of the room. "You shouldn't have done that" Ben smiled as Sparks of electricity started charging up in his hand."Did you honestly think that would hurt me Jeff" Ben said throwing the ball of electricity at Jeff almost barely missing his shoulder. Jeff ran towards Ben and tackle him, he started to stab him multiple times "Go The Fuck To Sleep" Jeff's hands and face we're covered in blood he started laughing. Jeff stop laughing as he then realize he was stabbing the air. "What. . . Was that an. . . Illusion" Jeff asked himself, he looked at his hands to see that they weren't covered in blood. "Jeff" Ben's voice teased Jeff looked around but he couldn't see anything. Whispers filled the room "The game's not over Jeff" different voices said repeatedly. Jeff stood up aggravated yet slightly confused. He then felt as if Ben was standing right behind him "this is just the beginning" Ben's voice whispered in his ear. Jeff spun around, once again nothing was there the TV had flicked off leaving him standing in the pitch black room.

Jeff woke up realizing everything he just went through was a dream. "I've got to stop drinking" he said to himself, as he​ sat up he felt an excruciating pain in his back. Jeff walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror at himself ."The fucking water in this place doesn't work either" he said to himself before he noticed a game cartridge on the bathroom counter. It had the word "Majora" written on it. Jeff paused for a moment and slowly looked back up at the mirror. Ben was standing right behind him smiling, Jeff's immediate reaction was to turn around but yet again nothing was there. "Ask yourself this question Jeff, am I even real ? Or am I just a figment of your imagination that you unintentionally created out of guilt and regret?" Jeff could hear Ben's voice in his head. "Fuck you I don't regret anything" Jeff said grabbing his head. Jeff fell to his knees and covered his ears as Ben screamed in his head. The screaming suddenly​ stopped but ever since then even after Jeff left that house
Ben still haunts him. He makes Jeff have creepy and twisted nightmares and tends to play mind games with Jeff to mess with his head.
Jeff will now forever be a prisoner trapped in Ben's mind games.
"You've met with a terrible fate haven't yøu"


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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