I Can't Marry You

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     A beautiful sunset rose up over the horizon on the day before my wedding. At the moment, we were both staying at the burrow, with Ron in his old room and Ginny and I sharing. In a way, it was just like old times. The only thing they was missing was Harry. He had gone on to be an auror, and was right now at the ministry working on a secret project.

     "Hermione, we need to talk" Ron's voice called out from down the hallway. "Huh?" I called back. Walking into my room, he sat down heavily on my bed. "Listen, Hermione, I can't marry you." The impact of those words hit me like a stone wall. "Wh...what?" I choked out between the sobs that were building in the back of my throat. "You heard me Mione, I can't marry you." "Out now!" I commanded to Ron. Even though i'd known him since I was 11, I still didn't want in to see me cry. Slamming the door in his face, I went and sobbed into my pillow. Thoughts swirled around my head. "Why did he leave me?" I thought in my head. I cried until I ran out of tears. All through the day I heard Ron knocking me and Ginny' s door until he finally gave up. Saddness and confusion raced around in my brain until I driftied into a restless sleep.
Finally, around 6 in the evening, I dragged myself out of bed and got dressed. "Why?" I asked myself as I dressed in casual jeans and a t-shirt. Planning to appreciate to a nearby coffe shop, I called out as I walked out the door,

     "Going to the coffee shop, be back later." When I said that I was surprised at how scratchy my voice sounded. "Figures, I've been crying since 8 in the morning." I muttered aloud to myself. Walking to the middle of the road, I apperated.

     A low light came from inside the muggle coffee shop. Stepping inside quickly, I shuddered from the cold air. It was almost December and I wanted it to snow. The quiet feel in the coffee shop comforted me as I stepped up to the counter. "I'll have a vanilla cappuccino please" I asked politely. After paying, I went and sat down , waiting to get my order. For some reason, the coffee shop was empty except for me. As I was sitting down, the bell on the door jingled and I turned to see who it was.

     His white blond hair was slicked back and he wore simple, muggle cloths. As he walked in, our eyes met and the surprise was evident on both of our faces.

The man was Draco Malfoy........

THANK you all for reading. I'm sorry the chapters are so short, but I promise they will get longer.

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