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"Dubu-ya!" she calls out to her orange little friend

tik tik tik tik she hears his little paws tap against the wooden floor as he runs to her

"hello baby" she kisses the tip of his nose rubbing his head in the process

"wanna walk?" the phrase her and dubu always exchange every saturday morning and as always she receives as little bok! as a yes

she smiles, little crescents form her eye shape as she walks over the coffee table grabbing dubu's leash

"come here dubu-ya" she motions tapping her hands on the floor tik tik tik sit bok!

she laughs putting on the leash on very obedient cheery dubu knowing that he was her happy pill

"chulbal!" she shouts pointing here finger towards the door bidding a bye to her dad standing by the kitchen island humming to her a love you while spreading butter on his toast

she smiles as the cold wind seep through her hair and all the cheery blossom trees greet her with bright millennial pink coloured leaves that matched her sweater

she was running while being lead by dubu over to the other dogs running on the green feild

bok! bok! bok! dubu barks at the pungsan dogs and some labs running around him

"go play with them i'll wait here" she giggles at dubu while she unclasps the leash from him, he instantly runs over to the dogs

she giggles as she walks over to the bench


"oh sorry!" the guy jogs back to her helping her up

"i'm really really really sorry i need to go!!" she hears the adrenaline in his voice as he spoke

grll grrr she hears dubu growl making the man jump in surprise

"down boy downn" he tries to calm dubu sweat evident on his forehead

she stifles a laugh "dubu-ya no" she says sternly finally looking up at the man

Hong si-young

his hand still gripping on her elbow help her stable herself up

"you punk!" they hear a man's voice shout in anger running towards the pair

shit he murmurs, he looks up smiling goofily at her "sorry for the sudden meeting-" he pants looking over her shoulder

"as you know i need to go, see you" he winks and waves letting her elbow go and starts running again

bok! bok! bok! the shiba barks again as the angered man runs pass her

she sighs crouching down patting his head "atta boy let's go home" she smiles clasping the leash back on dubu

"can't belive he didn't even recognise me" she huffed while walking back with dubu next to her looking at the pigeons flying by

"not that i care" she shrugs

hello! i'm back yofirst off, thankyouuu @seokmine_ for this idea/plot i hope i make u proud wuth this story even though it already sucks now winkwonk

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hello! i'm back yo
first off, thankyouuu @seokmine_ for this idea/plot i hope i make u proud wuth this story even though it already sucks now winkwonk

anyways i'm back! worser than ever tutututu the first part is just like a starter on their 'personalities'

characters- lee sungkyung (main)
she's a wallflower, she sees everything, knows everything but doesn't really give a shit about it . She has a shiba inu called dubu which is tofu in english, he's her best friend, happy pill and all round companion. She's depressed (family matters) but never really shows it she's a daddy's girl and never wants to be like her mother even though she had been her role model for half of her life. She's still fighting through it but she knows she just needs a little push to get there. she's in all hong siyoung's classes for years but they never exchanged words of anysort. a silent beauty but she goes unnoticed and plans to stay that way until like forever

Hong siyoung (main)
a charismatic delinquent, who yes gets into alot of shit (sorry i swear alot <3) but acts as if it's all play, a free spirit (too free you'll get it sooner of later ;)) and never really cares about statuses even though he's mr. popular in school because of his quote 'bad boy antics' cute and charming everyone swoons over his smile

i'm not a very good writer please bear w me :)))

i'll introduce some other charters but it'll be like real people but fake names (?) catch my drift?? anyways just to warn you PLS READ

if you've been with me since 'just' my yoongi ff or 'listen' jungkook ff you know i always can't regularly update

but i'll try to update twice or once a week or maybe more?? not constant updates :(

that's all for my long ass AN i'll see you soon!!!!!

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