One Bullet

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Trigger Warning
This entire fanfiction will probably have several trigger moments, as it covers the topic of depression and much more.

You have been warned, so simply proceed with caution.

I look at my reflection in the caravan's mirror, splashing my face with cold water in attempt to make myself feel better. A failed attempt, might I add.

"I only dragged them down... again..." I whisper as quietly as possible to myself. "I almost got us all killed if it wasn't for Ignis's regroup..."

I look around and reach my hand out towards my gun, then quickly slapping it. Don't do it, Prompto. It's not worth it.

But the pain hasn't gotten any better. It still sinks within me, begging for a way out.

I reach for the gun again, emptying out the bullets and setting them on the counter. I look pull it up and shoot. No bullets come out, of course.

However, it was louder than I had liked.

"Hey Prompto, what's the holdup?" an emotionless voice speaks through the door.

"Oh, it's nothing Noct! Just gimme one minute!" I panic, quickly putting the bullets into my pocket as I leave the bathroom. "You need something, buddy?"

"Ignis said you need to feed the chocobos-"

"Yay! Gotcha!" I smile as I count the bullets in my pocket carefully.

One short.

How could I leave a bullet in the bathroom?! I can't go back in... what if someone sees! Will they find out?!

I keep calm and act like my 'normal' self as I run to the chocobos.

Honestly, these chocobos have been some of the happiest things in my life lately. They seem to love me, since every time the whistle sounds and they see me, they snuggle up to me briefly before going to the others. They're always happy when I show up with food. They let me pet them whenever I want.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate my friends. They're like brothers to me! I just...

When I fight alongside them, I realize how weak I am. Noct is so powerful... out on the battlefield there's practically no comparing to him! Gladio is pure strength - I mean look at his sword! I can't even pick it up! And Ignis, although not the most powerful, is extremely strategic.

The more we fight, the more I realize... all I'm really doing is weighing them down. They could do so much if I wasn't here. If I wasn't here...

But, I digress. No matter the urge... I continue breathing and living on this earth.

"Prompto, hurry up with the feeding." Ignis says sternly. "Dinner is almost ready."

"Alright Iggy!" I say, trying to sound cheerful.

I finish and start to walk away, but my chocobo snuggles up to me. It's like... he can feel my pain.

"I'm alright, buddy." I pet him kindly, but he looks at me with a face of disbelief. "I... I'll be alright."

I go inside the caravan and sit down with the others, who seem upset with me for being late. Yet another thing I did wrong.

I sit down next to Noctis and shyly thank Ignis for the food. They both simply continue eating.

"I'm sorry..." I mumble quietly as I continue.

Not only for this, but for everything.

"Hey Prompto, you got any healing items?" Gladio asks, interrupting the silence.

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