Chapter 1

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I walked into the office, my muscles tense. The Director rarely asked to speak with people personally, and had an assistant do it, instead. I tried to swallow around the lump in my throat, but found it difficult. Looking calm, however, I was able to handle. I guess you could say I had achieved my childhood dream of being an actress, in a backwards, twisted sort of way, of course. I stood there in the lobby of the office, waiting, for what seemed like forever. I began counting the seconds, and before I knew it, twenty minutes had past.

Finally, the Director himself opened the door of his personal study. “Come in, Thea.” His deep, terrifying voice rang out through the small lobby. I entered without saying a word. I had only met him once before, when I had finished my training, and he offered me a job with the Agency. My mind blanched. What if he was firing me? No, that wasn’t possible. I knew too much. I sat down, quietly, and made eye contact. Thankfully, the Director didn’t make me wait long before telling me why he had called for me.

“Thea, let’s make this short. I have a mission, one that is very important, and I think you’ll be able to handle it.” His dark, cold eyes stared into mine, and I felt as if he was searching me. “We need information on Jacob Wilson, and we need it as soon as possible.” My eyes went wide. I’d tracked down information on a lot of important people, lied to and manipulated some of New York’s highest society, but the senator? That was totally new ground. I smiled. “I can do that.” He looked pleased, but also looked as if he had known that was what I was going to say.

“I’m glad that you’re so eager to take this on, but I am obligated to inform you that this will not be a simple job. It will take time to weasel your way into his trust, if you manage at all. There is any number of highly trained operatives who would no doubt be unable to achieve this. I am counting on the fact that you are a 19 year old girl to work to your advantage,” he told me, pausing for a moment to let his words sink in. I waited politely to see if he would continue, but he didn’t.

“I will do my best, Sir. If it’s information on what Senator Wilson is up to you want, it’s information on what Senator Wilson is up to you’ll get.” I held my head high, and then quoted my favorite Harry Potter reference. “After all, ‘Anything is possible if you’ve got enough nerve.’” He smiled and nodded. “I hoped you would say something like that. You are dismissed, Miss Carter.”

I left the office with a smirk on my face. The first thing I needed to do was some research. To the lab, it was! A moment later, I pressed my thumb into the finger-print sensor, and when it passed, I pressed my index finger into the finger-sized slot next to the doorknob, where I felt a sharp prick, and something soft brush against my finger. “Shit, that hurts!” I hissed, speaking to myself as I sucked on my bleeding finger. “Damn these blood tests!” But after another moment, the test came back positive, and I heard the locks on the door release.

The lab was one of my favorite places to be. It was dark and desolate, and filled with all of the information that a spy could ever need. And to make it even better, it was nearly always empty, meaning that I didn’t have to deal with people. I sat down at one of the high-tech computers, smiling at the beauty of the technology that I never would have understood, had I not been trained by the Agency. I quickly maneuvered to the state’s database, hacked through their firewall, and pulled up Senator Wilson’s family and business records. There had to be some way that I could wiggle into his everyday life without being suspicious!

            I looked through his office records first, hoping for an opening somewhere in his employment, which would make it much easier to get ahold of anything that he was hiding. But as was normal, there was no such luck, so I switched over to his family. He was married, happily it seemed, and had four kids. Two sons, two daughters, typical family. His oldest son was a senior at Columbia University, too old for me to use him romantically. The next child down was a daughter, who lived out of state. She, too, was no use to me. Next was the other son. Hmmmm, I thought, a freshman in college. 20 years old. This kid could be the ticket.

I spent the next several hours doing research on Senator Wilson’s youngest son, Thomas. Facebook told me that he was single, and hacking into Columbia’s database, (yeah, he went to Columbia, just like his brother. Must have been a family thing.) I now knew what classes he had, and when. It would be easy to track him down and follow him. And it would be pretty simple to get him wrapped around my finger. After all, he was a spoiled, snobby, rich boy who probably had high standards for women. And if I do say so myself, I fall into the category of high standards.

 I smiled to myself, and headed back to my one-bedroom apartment. I changed quickly, readying myself for bed. I was exhausted, and I did have a long day ahead of me, tomorrow. The thought remained in my head until I drifted off into a deep, dreamless sleep.

 A/N: If you guys could comment or message me and tell me what you like and/or don't like, and give me suggestions on how to make the story-line better, I would appreciate it ever so much! Thanks, Jenn♥

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