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Some time had passed from all the events leading up to know, and Marinette was finally healed enough. She only felt a little pain when she pressed on her side, but besides that she could run, jump, and do anything else physical. The day they traveled to Asia was there, and they were now getting ready to leave.

Marinette carried her bags down her stairs, and got everything set up. She had two suitcases in total, and a large carry on. She made sure to pack anything her heart would desire and need, and she made sure to have plenty of coats and warm shoes for the winter. She even packed a hand sewing kit and a little hand held machine she bought a couple years ago when she was starting to sew. Her parents were at the door, and they hugged her.

"Make sure to call us everyday you can, sweetie." Sabine reminded her. She was tearing up, and her voice was shaky.

"Make sure you stay safe, and don't be discouraged throughout your time. Try and visit us once if you can." Tom told her. Marinette felt like she would cry as well.

"I'll keep in touch." She promised. The limo rolled up, and Adrien jumped out to place her bags in the back.

"Adrien. Make sure to protect her." Tom smiled to him.

"I give you permission to kill me if I fail to do so." Adrien nodded. He opened the door for her, and she climbed in before Adrien. The window rolled down, and Marinette blew a kiss to them.

"Goodbye!" They told her as the car drove away. Marinette rolled the window up, and leaned back in the seat. Alya and Nino were already in the car, so they were heading straight for the airport.

"How are we going to get there?" Alya asked.

"Master Fu owns a jet that will land on their own landing strip. So we will be going straight from civilization to no where." He joked.

The group talked a little bit, and went over what they brought to make sure they had everything. The group arrived to the airport, and Gorilla let them get out.

"Nathalie wants you to call everyday." Gorilla told him simply.

"And I will. See you later, Gorilla." He waved as Gorilla drove the limo off.

The group brought their bags inside, and they walked to the reception counter.

"How can I help you today?" A man asked him politely.

"We all are to board a plan called 'MLC-7.' We were told to bring our suitcases with us instead of checking them in." Adrien told him. The man looked through the computer, and nodded.

"There is a group waiting for you at gate 24." He printed something out and ripped it apart. "Show this to anyone who tries to check your bags in. They will let you through since you have your own landing strip." He said. He handed each of them a ripped piece of paper that had the plan code on it.

"Thank you." Marinette thanked him as they walked off. They looked at all the signs, and soon found gate 24. Alex and Tony stood there waiting, and they smiled once they saw the group.

"Marinette! Adrien! So good to see you again." Alex said as she walked in for a hug, which the two reciprocated.

"I'm glad to see you as well. Especially in these circumstances. Here, let me introduce you to Alya." Marinette pointed to her. "And Nino." She pointed to Nino. Alex held her hand out to shake them.

"Nice to meet you two. We will have a lot of fun training you." She smiled.

Tony stood off to the side awkwardly. He looked more reserved.

"So Tony. Why so shy?" Adrien smiled, making Tony smirk.

"I got a reputation to keep up. The stoic fighter." He joked.

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