Part 1.

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Jungkooks P.O.V

   Parking my car I stroll into the adoption centre. I know exactly what I want and I will get him.

I couldn't help the smirk on my face when I imagined having on as my own.

My thoughts were interrupted by a girl- she looked around 20.

"Hello sir, im Dara! Are you here to adopt?" She said smiling at me.

I just nodded my head giving her a bored look. She kind of got the point and handed me a book full of the kids profiles.

"When you find one your interested in, just come tell me I'll be over there" she pointed to a desk across the room.

Without wasting anymore time I flicked through the book. None of them caught my exept from one...he was beautiful.

"Hey you!" I shouted to the previous girl.


"I found who I want" Her eyes sparkled at my response.

"That's great! Who have you chosen?"

Instead of replying I showed her his profile page and her face look surprised for some reason.

"Oh umm" she looked lost for words.

"What? Is there a problem?" I raised an eye brow in annoyance.

"No not at all!... I will go get him for you...he might be a while becuase he needs to pack his things" she replied.

"He doesn't need to. I will buy him everything new"


With that she scurried off to heck knows and im not bothered aslong as I get my boy.

Taehyungs P.O.V

   I was curled up on my bed out of boredom. Ugh! There is nothing to do here, normally Dara would come play with me but she has to work today.

Normal 15 year olds would be at School right know or hanging out with their friends but not me.

Im stuck in an orphanage with no friends. I don't think Dara is my friend - she probably on plays with me out of sympathy.

A knock at my door took me away from my thoughts.

"Who is it?" I asked

"It's Dara!"

"Oh come noona!" I say happily. She might be here to play :)

"Taehyung you've been adopeted. You have to leave now" she say stopping me from walking closer to her.

"What? By who?" I screamed. I can't believe this! I can't tell if im angry or happy right know.

"His name is Jeon Jungkook and he is very rich. I belive he will take good care of you so don't have anything to worry about Taehyung" she says looking sad.

I can only nod my head.

"Come on Taehyung, lets go" she held out her hand and I took it. We walked our of my room holding hands and went down stairs to meet mr jeon.

We finally got down stairs and went to entrance when mr jeon is said to be.

Lifting my head up i see his face. His is beautiful...

I become shy and hide behind Dara making her chuckle.

"Taehyung no need to be shy, he won't hurt you" she said trying to make me feel better but only resulted in me peeking my head behind her arm to look at him again.

He is staring at me with a small smirk- to be honest it looks great on him.

Dara then gently shoved me toward the man. Thanks for nothing!

"Bye Taehyung...I will miss you. Behave yourself like usual okay?" She said and i can see her lip quivering.

"Don't cry noona! Taehyungie will miss you too. Please be happy and look after the rest of the kids" I hugged her tightly before going back to Mr jeon.

Mr jeon placed an arm around my shoulder guiding me out of the building and towards his car. Not just any car but a Lamborghini. Dara was right about him being rich!

He opened the door for me and helped me sit in the seat. The seat felt amazing!!!

Slowly he began to come closer to making my breath hitch. What is he doing? Is he going to kiss me? My first kiss being lost to my owner?

Then it clicked.

...literly the seat belt clicked. A heavy blush crept up on my face because of the thoughts that went through my head a moment ago.

"Awh princess did you think I was going to kiss you?" He chuckled and I had to admit ur was pretty sexy...wait what?

"N-no i didn't mr jeon i-iii just -"

"Daddy" he cut me off.

"Huh?" I asked confusingly.

"You are to only call me daddy" he said.

"Oh okay"

"Okay what?" He teased.

"Okay daddy" i replied with a light blush.

"Good boy" he smirked and started the engine.

"Oh and princess, I have rules that you have to follow. I will explain then when we get home" he said not taking his eyes off the road.

"O-okay daddy" I said shly.

I like calling him makes me feel more closer to him even though we have just met.

I can already tell that living with daddy isn't gonna be easy.


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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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