Cuddles are the best medicine

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When Guang-Hong woke up, he knew something was wrong.

Very wrong.

Bolting upright, he scrambled around for his phone, almost ripping the charger out of the socket in his haste. He blinked as the screen lit up, scolding himself for not turning it down like he said he would.

And there was the problem.

No good morning text from Leo.

G: Morning Leo!
G: Leo?
G: Everything okay over there?
G: You haven't gone to the rink already have you?

With no responses from his partner who was always up early, even on days off, panic began to set in. Leo always had their phone nearby, no matter what. And now they weren't responding, leaving him in a country he was still getting used to with no guidance.

Wait... wasn't JJ training at the same rink as them for the off season? And didn't he have his number somewhere 'in case of emergencies'? Flicking through his contacts, he sighed in relief as he found a number saved under 👑The King👑. Of course JJ would save it under that. After a few tense moments as the phone rang, he sighed in relief for the second time in about three minutes as a sleepy voice came from the speaker.

"Hello? It's like... six in the morning isn't it?"
"No JJ, it's half eight and Leo isn't answering their phone."
"Guang-Hong? Hold on I'm awake totally, Isabella please no don't hit me with a pillow this is an emergency. I'll be back to cuddle soon, let me just take care of this. Okay, so, they're not answering their phone?"
"No, and they haven't texted me good morning. JJ they never miss a text w-"
"You two are so domestic it puts Victuuri to shame at times but that's besides the point. Every morning you say?"
"Yes, they've never missed it before and I don't know what to do!"
"Please, stay calm. You know where they live right?"
"Y-yes... JJ what's going on? Is Leo okay? D-"
"Leo needs you to be calm Guang-Hong. Listen, it doesn't happen often and perhaps I'm not the best person to explain this, but there are days where Leo doesn't feel... right? I think that's how they explained it to me. Otabek probably would be better at explaining, he has a way with words but he's training in Russia."

He heard a sharp intake of breath on the other end of the phone and some shuffling. Assuming JJ was moving somewhere, he settled into his nest of blankets. No matter where he went, he always took at least three. Even if they ended up on the floor.

"Okay... I have a list here of their favourite movies and comfort food. You don't happen to have a copy of Big Hero 6 do you?"
"Um... hold on. I'll check."

Wrapping his blankets around him tightly, he rolled off the bed and onto the beanbag next to it. Rather than getting up, he rolled the short distance to the dvd cabinet. Sitting up, he scanned the shelves for the disk he knew that he had somewhere. Somewhere was always a- no there it was.

"Did you... are you okay?"
"I have three blankets and a beanbag next to my bed so I'm good. Any other films I should pick up?"
"Sleeping Beauty and Snow White are old favourites."
"Got them."
"Add any Marvel films too. They love them. As for food um... no Isabella, I'm not finished, give me like, three minutes okay? And back, cookies."
"Yeah, just avoid ones with almonds in. They hate almonds. Other than that you're good to go. You'll let me know that Leo's okay won't you?"
"Of course. Thanks JJ, I don't know what I'd have done without you."
"No problem. Yes Bella, I'm coming now. Talk to you later, bye!"

Cuddles are the best medicine - LeojiWhere stories live. Discover now