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I walked through the alley way,on my way to the dreading thing called school.I pushed up my glasses and tugged my thin lace jacket closer to my body.I passed the old ice cream shop,where I always go to after school.My grandparents own the shop,and I get as many free samples asa I want.I sighed,Looking both ways before crossing the street to school.I looked for my best friends,Julliette and Cadence.I spotted them a few yards away,talking excitedly.I went up to them and they turned to me.

"Hey What's up?"Julliette looked at me,Smiling.That girl smiles though almost everything!I do not understand her at all...

I replied,"Oh you know nothing out of the usual,Except the fact that my Grandparents will be having their Grand Re-opening of the shop on Thursday."

Cadence Looked up at me.She wasn't as sunny like Juliette,but she was surely the smart one of our whole group."OOH!Yes!I love free ice cream.Don't they give a free scoop to people who come before 8 o'clock?"I chuckled.Though Cadence wasn't as crazy and weird as Juliette and I,She was totally nuts for Ice cream.It's also the main reason why we met.You see,Cadence was kinda lonely and quiet before she met us.She used to go to the shop on the weekend,when I was usually there.My grandparents had a worker out for a family reunion,and they asked me to fill in for a few hours.As I was at the counter A shy looking girl with jet black hair came up to me and asked for her usual.I told her that I was filling in for someone and I didn't know her usual.She told me her order.And I recognized her as someone from school.I asked her if she went to Merricrest High.She nodded slightly and she and I talked and talked.

I chuckled lightly for her obsession with ice cream and said"Yes of course!They would always give you a scoop anyways...even if it is after 8.Oh and anyways,Were the results up for who is on the basketball team?"

Juliette replied,"Well of course deary.They actually put it up right after school today.Would you want to go and check it out?"I nodded and the three of us headed towards the bulletin board,which was near my homeroom.I glanced up reading of the names on the list."Kassie Jennings,Kole Surfer,Mary Hoppers,Jules Maine.....SUMMER EASTWOOD!Yes!Yes!Yes!Finally I am up!"

"Well slow down there girl."I heard a voice behind me.It was the one and only,Alix Curtis,Super annoying jerk,President of the student body.

I rolled my eyes."Well I don't see your name up here"I quickly scanned the list and sure enough,his name was not printed up there.His eyes opened wide.

"What???My name is not on there!?It should be!I just know it should..."He scanned the list,desperately searching for the name that was not there.

"Well,I'll leave you to your treasure hunt."I said with a smirk on my face.He blushed hard.I was the only one in school who could ever top him.We walked away,separating to each of our individual classes.Inside my classroom,I spotted my twin,Winter.Well,one of them at least.Yes,my sibs are more than two.I have not three,but four.Quadruplets.It was me,Winter,Autumn and Spring.Ya,I know.Cheesy names our parents thought of.Spring was the only boy born to my parents so far,and also is the youngest.I,proudly,can say that I am the oldest,with Winter two minutes younger.Right after her is Autumn,who is indeed,a handful.At school,we were sometimes teased as the Season Quad.But,honestly,I kinda like the name.Anyways,after the years we kinda stuck to the name,but not in a teasing name,just like when people are referring to us.

I sat down next to Winter and looked at the board to what we were learning for today.Winter whispered a small Hi and I returned the greeting.On the board,there was also an announcement. It read,"We are having a project today so please be prepared!"Hmm,I wonder what the project is?

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