Don't Be Up Past Midnight

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Why did this happen? What did I do to deserve this? I was just a little girl. I didn't do anything wrong... I was a good child. Now you maybe wondering why I'm ranting on about my past, well let me just start at the beginning.

          I was a little girl by the name of 'Terra Loveday' and I lived with my abusive father. As for my mother.. Well, I have no idea who or where she is. But sometimes at night I'd look up at the night sky, it was always filled with stars and I think maybe my mother is looking up at the stars as well but I'll never know. Anyways, one night after my father had brutally beaten me; he sent me to bed and told me in that harsh voice of his, "Terra if I find you awake past midnight, you're dead!" So I did as told and got ready for bed. I was frightened of my father, so I knew better than to disobey. I soon fell asleep, but later that night I had a bad dream. I woke up, sweating but felt more cold than anything, so I went to get a glass of water to calm my nerves; but as I was returning to my room I stepped on that single floor board in the hallway that would creak loudly. I heard my father grumble something. I woke him up, making panic arise in me. I then heard him get out of his bed, so I did the only thing that came to mind... Run... So I did.

         I ran as quietly I could to my room but being the seven year old I was I wasn't fast enough. How ironic, right? I heard my father call my name; "Terra, what did I say?!" I tried to tell him about my nightmare but he didn't want to hear it. How classic of him. He made his way towards me in my room as I fell down. He towered over me, so I scooted back, using my hands and feet. But that didn't help whatsoever. So he beat me, the sounds of fist colliding with skin, cries, and loud screams filled the air. He called me things a seven year old girl should never hear. I didn't care about his violent words, I just wanted it to stop. The pain was too much for me. I guess I got my wish, as my vision started going dark and hazy, a feeling that I wouldn't wake up overcoming me. I didn't want to, I don't want to wake up back to him. I guess me wanting it to be over was the only wish that was granted of mine, because I had woken up.

      My eyes fluttered open as I glanced around, picking myself up with my hands. As I got myself up, I had noticed that for some reason I didn't feel pain. Once I was up, my legs wobbled and gave out beneath me, causing me to fall. A small cry came from me as I caught myself with my hands. My eyes opened and that's when I took notice of my skin color. They weren't the normal skin color I've had, instead they were grey. I glanced at my entire body, noticing I was completely grey. I gasped, eyes widening. "What...?" No! I shouldn't be worrying about that now. I stood up once more, managing to stay standing up before I noticed a small pond close to where I was; so I stumbled over to it and looked at my reflection. I couldn't believe what I saw.

          I had grey skin, black hair, and my eyes looked completely different. Instead of their normal brown color, they were blood red that had a demon like glare to them. A thought then I came to me. "Where will I go? I can't go home.. Definitely not back to that abusive man. And who am I kidding? I can't go anywhere looking like this. I-I'm scared. What do I do?..... I know one thing I can do... I'll get revenge."

    For ten long years I trained myself for this day and now I'm finally ready. I'm going to get my revenge, I'm going to make my father beg for my forgiveness but he won't get it. I'm going to beat him like he beat me. I'm going to make him pay. Haha, good luck 'father'. I put on my clothes. Black skinny jeans, black boots that went right under my knees then laced 'em up, a black tank-top, and my favorite black crop- top-hoodie, and finally my black wrist bands and fingerless gloves, and black chokers.

Yes, I know, a lot of black; but it helps me blend into the night.

I silently sneak into my old home, through the hallway and to my ex-fathers bedroom door, I could hear him lightly snoring, perfect! I sneak into his room and close the door and I pull out my favorite weapon.. My baseball bat I gotten awhile back... I sneak up to him and shake him awake.

    "Hmm? Who's there?" He asked groggily. "Oh you don't remember your own daughter? I'm hurt." I say in a mocking hurt tone. Of course, the big bad guy is surprised. "Terra? Is that really you?" He questioned, confused I swear I've heard a hint of disbelief. "Why of course dad, how ya been? Oh me? Thanks for asking. I've been great on my own ever since that day."

      "But after all these years I think we need some father, daughter bonding time. What was it you used to do to me? All... The.. Time..? Oh yeah, I remember now. You beat me!"I shouted, and before he could react I took my bat, taking a swing at his left arm. It collided with a loud smack, making him scream out in pain. I continued, swing after swing, ignoring his cries of pain. He now laid on his bed covered in bruises, scratches, and blood. One more hit and he'd be dead. So I whispered, "What are you doing up? It's past midnight." With that, I then took my bat and ended it right there. Oh, and let me tell you there was a lot of blood but I didn't care, I loved it! Well, whatever. Not my problem. After the death of my father I could hear sirens from the distance, guess the neighbors heard his screams and called them. Well I'm off.

Remember kids, and expecially you parents. Don't. Be. up. Past. Midnight!!!

And that is how I became the Midnight-Stalker.

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