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Even though my boyfriend mark tries to be lovey dovey I try my best to forget my feelings for my ex-boyfriend Kim seokjin known as Jin .

Mark : hey jagiya ! He says excitedly .

Me : hey jagi!! I said back but I could sense he could tell something was off .

" what's wrong y/n?" I tilted my head in confusion at his question . Even though he seems all lovey in public, well you thought wrong . When we are at home he beats me like there is no tomorrow . So tonight I'm planning to leave and never come back.

When we got home I went straight to my room and laid on my bed. Mark came in a couple hours later laughing with someone .

( marks pov)

I walked in the bed room laughing until I came face to face with a sleeping y/n . Aish jinja....I tried so hard not to touch her so I told my guest to leave and they did . I went back to the room. " y/n I know your not happy with me so I an going to say this once and I hope you hear me .. I want to say that our relationship is now over I still realize that your not meant for an abusive man like me a-and you deserve better than this piece of junk . y/n i really hope you can find something that's worth spending your time with I love you I always have and always will goodnight and thank you for all the good memories we made with each other " I have her a kiss and pulled my suit case from the closet and looked at her as I sigh and wipe a falling tear . I walked out of the house and I left a note on the night stand by the bed .  As I started driving I cried so hard that I left what was a part if me . I'm so so so sorry y/n for doing the GA I shouldn't have I love you!! I yelled to myself .

( y/n pov)

I woke up the next morning as I rubbed my eyes . I stood up and stretched my arms making them pop as I spot a note from Mark .

Dear y/n ,

This is my goodbye letter I was planning to leave sooner when I realized that I did you wrong . I know I made a mistake . Please forgive me for what I have done to you for the scars that I have left on your beautiful body . If you ever meet that someone special don't let them treat you like I did . Run fast and run far I will always been here in your heart . My arms are open when you want to come but first let me change my addictions but if you find someone else .... be yourself don't let that person change you .

Love mark <3

I cried as I read the letter and I dropped to my knees . Later I sat on the bed missing his presence already . " m-mark" I cried as I hugged my pillow smelling his scent. I stood up and ran down stairs grabbing the extra bottle of suju and I guzzled it down feeling the refreshing burning sensation run down my throat . After I drunk it I went up stairs I started breaking things and crying. " WHY DID YOU HURT ME ?!?! TELL ME !! I HAVE LOVED WITH ALL MY HEART BUT ALL I GET IN RETURN IS SCARS!!!! " I screamed out .

( jin's pov)

I was walking when I suddenly heard things breaking so I shrugged and kept walking. " WHY DID YOU HURT ME ?!?! TELL ME!!! I LOVED YOU WITH ALL MY HEART BUT ALL I GET IN RETURN IS SCARS!!!!" I heard screaming so I went to the door and I knocked. " what?" The door flung open and I came face to face with y/n . I looked at her and I seen scars and open cuts . " what !!" She said even though I can tell she was drunk. " why are you here Jin ?" She asked ." I'm here to see you " she shook her head ." No you died in an accident you can't be here unless I'm dead " she said and backed away as I walked to her ." I am as real as gold " I said but she pushed me out of the house and slammed the door . So I sat on her front porch.

( y/n pov)

I was done I was going to end it all . I went to my bathroom and sat in a tub full of water and cut myself repeatedly . As the water turned red I laid in the water and I kept myself under until everything went black.

( marks pov)

I forgot my other suit case at y/n house so I went back to get it but I cake face to face with her ex Jin . " what are you doing here Jin?"he looked up then looked back down " just leaving" he said as he got up and walked away. I rolled my eyes and went in and I walked to the bed room to be met by everything smashed so I walked to the other rooms to try to find y/n. Finally I walked to the bathroom door it was locked so I panicked a bit and I banged on the door but no answer so I busted in and widen my eyes as I ran fast yo see y/n upside down in the water . I pulled her out and started screaming for help.

( jin's pov)

I heard mark screaming do I turned and ran to where he was and I widen my eyes as y/n laid there. I kicked mark and grabbed y/n and I picked her up and ran out of the house to the nearest hospital. When we got there I laid her on the bed and the doctors told me to wait.

Later on the came out and shook their heads . I felt tears weld up in my eyes as I ran off out if the hospital searching for mark. My blood boiling , my emotions raging , my hormone going crazy. The one thing I loved the one thing that kept my love strong the one person who comforted me when I thought no body was there for is now gone. I found mark sitting on a swing so I walked up and pushed him off . " WHAT THE HELL MAN!!" he yelled ." SHES DEAD MAN YOU KILLED HER , Y-YOU DROVE HER TO THE EDGE MAN DO YOU REALISE THAT GIRL YOU DROVE TO COMMIT SUICIDE IS MY LOVER MY FUCKING BEST FRIEND MY GODDAMN LIFE . HER TAKING HER LIFE IS LIKE ME TAING MINE !!! I hope your fucking happy" with that I punched him one good time and ran off to Jungkook's house while balling my eyes out.

Few days later y/n funeral came ." To those who cherished and loved Kim y/n please stand" the priest said " now that your standing who would like to say a prayer?" I instantly raised my hand and he nodded. I cleared my throat as we all bowed our heads ." Dear y/n now that your in heaven I want to tell you one last time that we all love you that I love you I made a huge mistake of doing what I did . Y/n I hope you can hear me and this is my prayer . I love you and miss you . Your forever is my heart . I promise not to love or hold anyone like I did you I promise that me and you will be together real soon amen " " AMEN" everyone said in unison " thank you all this is very special to me that you all came out today to support the ones we loved who has decided to be with god I thank god for that and I want to thank you for being here with me so I can lean on you and call you all my family thank you" I said and cried silently as people patted my back .

After that I spent my time in a small house in nothing but darkness hoping y/n will return to bring the light back to my life but we all know that won't happen . Thank you author for helping me get through it .

Your welcome Jin I'm sure soon enough you will be with her in heaven

Me to author me to I wish I was by her side .

It's okay Jin I will always be here for you

The end.......

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