The Big Bang

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Any normal day, I tell myself as I slide out of my bed. I go to the bathroom and start my normal morning routine. Take a shower, exfoliate my face, wash it, then brush my teeth while in the shower. I get out dry off and start to do my hair. I get dressed, just throwing on my Weekend hoodie, dark high-waisted jeans, and Adidas. I go to my kitchen and grab a yogurt and some granola and mix it together, then put it in a small container. I go over to my mom, give her a kiss on the cheek, grab my keys, and head out the door. I go down to my Porche and get in. No I'm not rich, I saved up all my birthday money for years plus worked for my beautiful car. I drive over to school A.K.A hell.

I get out of the car and am greeted by my boyfriend Xavier. "Good morning baby." He says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey baby."

"You seen the new girl?" He says making a cringe face,

"Oh shutup she's probably not bad, your standards are way to high."

"Duhh why do you think I love you."

"Mhmmm." I say sticking out my tongue.

We walk over to the court yard and sit down under "the tree". I eat my breakfast and joke around with Xavier and his crazy friends until the bell rings for school to start. He walks me to my class and I sit down in the back away from any participation that may be going on in the classroom. I'm staring at my phone when Ms. Hernandez starts talking, "Class we have a new student, this is Angie." She says while "new girl" stands in the front. One thing you should know about me, even if I know your names I will call you "new girl" or "new guy" for at least a month. She sits down in the front of the classroom, ahh so she's one of those. The active participant student.

At first glance she doesn't look like one of mine, more like one of Jessie's types. Jessie was the biggest local emo girl. But she was pretty cool, and if you were one of those sexually active or druggie teens she could totally hook you up with anything, plus get you into bars without batting one of her long eyelashes. And you see. she looked like Jessie's type because she wore a long hoodie, black ripped jeans, black nail polish, and black converse. But it wasn't her looks that categorized her as Jessie's because I will gladly go all black some days, it was that dull look in her eyes hidden away behind that small smirk she had. This is what made her my type. The hidden darkness. It really intrigued me.

As soon as the bell rung I tried to rush towards her but she disappeared into the large ocean of people.

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