The Door

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The doorman monitoring the entrance to "Cloud 9" repeated again, irritation obvious in his monotonous voice.

You flashed a slightly worried look over to Kendra, as it was her idea to come to the most exclusive club in the city, a club you might not even get into because Kendra seemed to have lost her I.D. card.

"I swear I put it in, 'Leeyah, swear down on my momma's grave I put it in", she muttered, frantically going through the contents of her bag for about the millionth time. The line behind both of you was getting restless, in turn making the doorman even more irritable.

"Look girls, the line needs to keep moving and y'all are holding it up. Since you", he said pointing to you "have your I.D. , you can go in, but your friend needs to leave."

"Its cool, we'll just leave together", you started off saying before Kendra grabbed your arm and cut you off.
"Aaleeyah Nastasia Cordelle Main, you will go into that club, and you will have a damn well good time for once instead of thinking about every other person except yourself. Ever since Tyson broke up with you, you've been moping around and over-working yourself flat out. We both know how long it's been since you enjoyed yourself, and my carelessness will not be the reason you have another boring-ass night in. Do you hear me, 'Leeyah?"

Kendra was right, and the noticeable twitch of her lips told that she sure as hell knew it. With a nervous nod and a quick squeeze of Kendra's arm, you took a deep breath before finally walking into "Cloud 9". Alone.

Hey everyone!! My name's Sharon-Rose, and I this is my first ever story/ Fan fiction I've ever written! I'm 15, soon to be 16, and I live in Scotland. Drop some comments on what y'all think, and don't forget to vote!! I know this chapter's short, but its only an intro , so bare with me 😘😘

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