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•Picture of Paisley•

I listen to the howls of the Black Fang Pack's members. Their howls are not painful-or anything related to it- they are full of joy and excitement. I hear different types of music, hip-hop music, pop music, rap music, and the type of music that makes you want to dance when you hear it. I hear party music. I look up and see that vibrant colors have filled the once dark sky. What caused this? The answer is simple, disco lights. I sniff the cold air and I pick up the strong scent of alcohol and sweat. Our neighboring pack seems to be having a party, a celebration, a festivity. All for the new alpha. Alpha Blake Marshall.

Don't you dare think that I stalk him. I just have to know everything that happens in his pack, that's all. I live about one mile outside of his territory and-in case I ever have a run in with a pack member-it would be absolutely lovely if I knew their strengths, weaknesses, and the wolf's status in the pack.

Do I want to join the pack? Hell no. My daughter and I are perfectly content with living here. Its actually a funny story how I got this house. Scratch that, it's not a funny story at all. I managed to steal a good bit of money from a old rich guy-who was practically waiting for death- and I bought this house. I used the money to pay all the bills for the next three years and I still have enough money left to buy groceries, extra furniture, and whatever we- my daughter and I- want.

Have I found my soulmate yet? No. I honestly don't want one, I know I sound like the typical fictional she-wolf (yes, I've read werewolf novels before), but its true. Whoever it is could take Paisley-my daughter- away from me and force us into a pack. Let me tell you this, we are definitely not made for pack life, we both love the freedom being a rogue comes with.

"Mommy?" my little angels eyes flutter open.

"Yes?"I look down at her gorgeous blonde hair and stunning blue eyes- she inherited these traits from me.

"Whats that woud noise?' I chuckle at the way she says loud.

"The pack is having a big party"

"A party? Wike the ones where day have beer?"

"Paisley! What did I tell you about that word?"

"You told me to not say it", now I know that she actually listens to me.

"But you said it anyway," I point this out.

"At weast I didn't say hell,'

"Paisley!" Oh my goodness, where does this child learn these words?

"Dat's my name," she gives me a toothy grin and a loud giggles.

"Do you know what happens when you do something you're not supposed to," I try to hide the grin on my face.



"Get what, mommy, get what?" eagerness is laced in her voice.

" You get tickled!", I start tickling her five year old body. I tickle her stomach, armpit, and surprisingly her thighs-that's where she loves to be tickled.

"Ahh! mo-m-my, stop!" she yells between laughs.

"Not until you say sorry," I tickle her even harder, she thrashes and tries to get away from me.

"S-or-ry!" I finally stop and she sucks in a deep breath.

"Ok, what did you want to ask mommy?" I say, referring to myself in third person. We both sit up and look each other in the eyes, her big electric blue orbs look at my crystal blue ones.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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