Chapter 1

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I didn't do it, I swear I never would do anything like that. He did all of it, He's coming for me next. I must get out of here. Now. They think I did everything. However, the truth of what happened is much worse. He killed them all, not me. I promise on my life and death that I couldn't kill them. They were my best friends. My family. I want to scream and shout at these officers. I want to curl into a dark room and cry. I want to be with them, I need to be with them. He's torturing me. Maybe I did kill them, I'm the one that came up with the idea, I'm the one that taunted Him.

"Hello Mr. Amador, I'm Detective Carthwright. How are you doing?" He came in looking all professional. He's probably going to ask me questions like I didn't actually do it, just to make me trust. I just look at the wall next to me.

"Mr. Amador, please I need you to act right."

"Why? What makes me think that you are any different than any of those officers out there. They don't believe that anything I said was the truth, they think that I made it all up because I have a mental disorder. They believe that I somehow was able to kill all of them." The detective just looked at me calmly. I breathed heavily trying all I can to hold back everything that I wanted to do. I can't fathom the possibility that he could sit there calmly and believe a word I would say. Tears started to fill my eyes. The emotions were too much, I don't want to feel this way anymore. My breathing became shorter as I imagined each of their faces before their deaths. I couldn't see anymore the tears were about to overflow. The detective just sat there quietly, I could feel his eyes on me. I wish he would leave. I didn't kill them, but no one will believe me.

"I will come back when you can gather yourself together. Oh. You would be surprised on what I believe." He got up and walked out of the door. I take a deep breath as I stand up, I can't sit still anymore. In the police station, they have a one way mirror I walk over to it. I stand there looking at my reflection wondering how many people are on the other side staring at me trying to see if I will make a mistake and accidently give up some piece of information that will prove that I'm the killer.

My reflection showed how tired I have become, my black hair has become dull, the blue streaks are no longer bright blue. They have become almost white; my grey eyes are darker and hold no light in them. It's all my fault. The more that I look at my reflection the angrier I get. My face contorts and I couldn't help but yell. It was a scream of pain, anguish and anger. The scream wasn't enough I had to hit something. I banged my fist on the mirror screaming tears flowing down my face.

Lucy and her beautiful red hair and green eyes walks up to me in the mirror. She smiles at me and kisses my cheek. I saw Mikes flaming red hair and hazel eyes walk up next to her. Suzanne jumps on mikes back her blonde hair flying over the place, I laugh. My brother Jack and his boyfriend Alex walk on the other side of me. They put their arms around me. I smile. It's the first time in a while that I felt happy. I blinked and everything changed. Their faces changed they each had black eyes and blood running from their eyes. I heard Lucy's voice in my head, her smile grew larger, it extended cheek to cheek.

"Trent how could you do this to us? Did you hate us so much that you had to get rid of us?" Her voice sounded angry even though her face showed the opposite.

"I didn't... I... I DON'T hate you. I love you so much that it hurts that you aren't here anymore. I want to die, I want to be with you." My voice cracked at the end.

"Too bad you didn't love us enough to save us it's all your fault. Now it's your turn He's coming for you." She laughed not her usual laugh, but a cackling. I looked at the corner of the room and there stood... Him. I thought I was ready to die, at that moment I couldn't let him get me. I turned around to grab a chair. I threw with everything I had in me at the corner. I screamed all the fears and frustrations I had all the while I heard my friends voice yelling in my head that it's all my fault. I backed into the corner, I slid down the wall crying into my hands not wanting to look up.

I don't know how long I had been in that position, but the next thing I heard was the door opening and someone touching my arm.

"Honey, look up. It's me your mom. Please look up at me." I heard my mom's voice. I didn't look up, I couldn't stand to the disappointment that would cover her face. I shook my head and moved further away. How can anyone look at their mother and tell them that they are being accused of murdering her other son and friends? How can I look at her in the face when I know in those eyes all I will see is disappointment and disgust?

"Sweetheart, look at me please. I'm not mad at you I just want to know what happened." Her voice shook as she is trying not to cry.

"Mom, I didn't do it, I swear. It was Him." I croaked.

"Who are you talking about?" She questioned. I looked up from my hands and stared at the wall just behind her.

"I can't say His name. He will know and come. He will get me too, I'm scared mom." My body started shaking all over. My mom grabbed under my chin forcing me to look her in the eyes. All I saw was pain and grief. Tears swam in her eyes and for a moment I saw relief. She pulled me into a hug she kept whispering that it was all going to be okay. Detective Carthwright walked through the door and walked over to my mom whispered in her ear. She nodded and got up gave me a kiss.

"I will see you later honey, please just answer his questions. I love you." She left the room. I started to shake uncontrollably and rocking back and forth, how could she love me? After all, that I have done, I didn't kill them physically. However, I did lead them to be slaughtered by Him. I raised my head to see the detective sitting at the table jotting down notes. Just behind him my friends. I can't look away, but now to give myself some peace I realize that I need to tell him everything. The trip, the bridge, the Ghost. Everything.

"Are you ready?"

"As long as you listen with an open mind and don't interrupt me. Promise me that you will do just that."

"I promise."

"Good, we will start a week before the trip." I took a deep breath.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2017 ⏰

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