scobi snakz and ass

39 1 11

(I was wit @radicalhoseok and this is what happened we were lit af we hang out every weekend y'all)

Can I eat yours.(ass)

4 a Scooby snack

Okay how many.

Hmm maybe 5 at the most

Dang I only got 3 &a half.

Dang u outta luck

Wait imaa go to the store brb.

20mins later.

Okay I'm back I got anouf skobi snakz to last days.

Dang OK come eat this ass then

OK hit me up, where u at.

Right in front of u nigga

Wait sersly u that sexy girl.

Hell yea bitch

I'm down my house now.😜

OK boy.

15 mins later

Mmm that was some good ass.

That was some gud skobi snakz

dude I just ate some scobi snakz and I don't know which is better ass or scobi snakz.

ass is better fam


Hwipara para para bam



I don't get it.

Fuck off


(The end).

fuckery with  radicalhoseokWhere stories live. Discover now