2 || Golden Camaro

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The party had ended after who knows how many hours. Every single minute was used properly for Y/n. Socializing, singing happy birthday, receiving gifts, dinner, cake, a pinata for the younger kids, everything that a family does for someone who ages up. But the person sometimes feels older or just the same.

"Thanks for coming." Y/n waved to her remaining guests at her front door and shut it softly. Her Mom and Dad were cleaning up a mess Y/n's cousins made in the living room and wrapping paper which is scattered along the floor. Y/n walks up to her Dad. "So," she starts. "... a car, Dad?"

He straightens out and looks at her. "Yes." Dad smiled at her.

"Where?" She crossed her arms.

He whispers back at her. "In the garage. Don't go out there yet. Wait until we're done cleaning. I want your Mom to see this, too."

Y/n smirked at her father with a nod. "Okay. I'll be in my room."

"Happy birthday, sweetie." He said to her, still cleaning up the party aftermath.

"Thank you." She smiled.


Y/n took a deep sigh while coming to the edge of the bed and dropped across the comfortable mattress. Her room had her favorite color of (f/c). It was covering all four walls with posters of all sorts. She was a fan of some series of shows, animals, and whatever else she had an interest in. She still missed her hometown, though. Y/n thought of it all the time.

The girl who had just turned sixteen stares at the ceiling. It's quiet and in her opinion the silence was loud.

She suddenly feels her phone go off in her pocket. Friends? Y/n plucks it from her pants pocket and sees that there is no number or name... the phone just starts... making electronic whines. It looked like it was mimicking a snowy screen or when a movie skips in a DVD player. Y/n sat up on the bed and tapped the screen roughly. To be honest, her phone had done this before but now that it is doing this for a second time, Y/n is growing concerned for her device.

"What the--?" Y/n is getting annoyed. Garbled voices and mechanical sounds made her scared of her smartphone. There were odd symbols of some kind that she didn't understand-- like a different language. "Oh, my god." She softly says pressing the on and off button multiple times. Then a face appears-- a pair of glowing red eyes. Y/n screams throwing her phone across the room and hitting her closet. The noises stop.

"Y/n!" Her mother and father came in. "Are you okay?" They asked in unison.

She quickly nodded. "Yeah. I'm good." She replied to them, staring at her home from where she stood.

"We heard you yell." Her mother spoke.

"I know. I- I... I just saw a spider." She lied, looking back at them.

Y/n's mom looks at the phone in three pieces lying on the floor. The front, back, and battery are not in place. "Why's your phone broken?" She pointed.

"Um..." Y/n looks at it.

"I know you're upset about moving here, Y/n." Her mother leaned on the doorframe. "But please don't throw your phone. We've talked about this."

"I'm sorry." She said to her parents.

"It's okay, kid. Come here." Her Dad signals his daughter to come out of the room and follow him and his wife to the garage outside. The sun is still out and it's the perfect time to release the image into Y/n's head to create a memory she won't ever forget.

Y/n still thought of the moment she just had in the room. She replayed it in her head until she reached the outside and was in front of a closed garage door. Her father looks at Y/n's mother before grabbing the handle and lifting it up. As soon as the door was lifted, she got a full view of the gift she was given for her birthday.

"What?!" She exclaimed happily.

"What?!" Her mother did the same. "No. No, no, no. She is not driving this car!"

Y/n smiled coming to the bright yellow, 1977 Camaro. Her parents start barking at each other while she blocks out their voices to admire her car. Black racing stripes, a gorgeous look at the front and back. She could already feel the engine tickle her even if it wasn't on. Y/n was in a whole new world once her eyes set on this car.

Both hands touch the side. "Aren't you beautiful?" She chuckled softly. "You're like gold. My pure gold."

Just moments before, Y/n had no idea this car existed. As she ran her hand along its rough surface, she smiled wider until her cheeks hurt. What is very special about this car, is that it enjoyed her touch and he was going to protect her for the rest of her life very soon.

🄷🄸🅂 🄿🅄🅁🄴 🄶🄾🄻🄳 (Tʀᴀɴsғᴏʀᴍᴇʀs: Tʜᴇ Lᴀsᴛ Kɴɪɢʜᴛ) ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now