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(Author's note: here are the meanings of all the different acronyms which will appear in this x reader: Y/N - Your Name.
C/N - Crush's Name. Y/L/N - Your Last Name. C/L/N - Crush's Last Name.)
You get out of your car and approach the Starbucks where you and C/N agreed to meet up. Though you have barely admitted it to anyone, you have been crushing on C/N for some time now. You've been waiting for him to ask you out, and now that it's actually happening, you can barely accept that it's true.
Before going in, you quickly smooth your skirt and adjust your sunglasses on the top of your head. You take a deep breath, calming the butterflies dancing around inside your stomach, then you push open the door.
You are met with the pleasant scent of coffee beans roasting as you step into Starbucks. The comfort of the scenery immediately puts you at ease as you walk towards the tables.
That was when you saw him.
C/N has gotten there before you; he's bent over a book, unaware of your presence. You jump on this opportunity to see what he looks like. He's wearing a clean white button up shirt completely free of wrinkles, and he's wearing dark blue jeans and dark shoes. You almost have to bite your tongue to keep from squealing you're so thrilled that he dressed up nicely for the date, especially since it wasn't required. Just then he seems to feel your eyes on him. He looks up from his book and gives you one of those dazzling smiles when he sees you, giving you chills up your spine.
"Y/N!" He exclaims happily as you approach the table. He stands up and enwraps you in a hug, which you savor happily. "It's so good to see you!" He says into your ear as he continues to hug you. After a few more seconds he releases you and flashes another smile. "You look so pretty today," he remarks as he looks at you admirably, causing you to blush. After a few more words are exchanged, C/N points to the cashier. "Should we get coffee?"
You can't help but laugh as you both stand up from your chairs. "That would be a good idea, considering we're in Starbucks!" He laughs, too.
You get to the cashier and order; C/N orders a grande coffee with a shot of vanilla and cinnamon with room for cream, and you order a caramel frappuccino. After you've gotten your drinks, you motion to the door. "Wanna go for a walk?"
It's a beautiful day outside. You and C/N go for a walk just around the neighborhood. You start up a passionate conversation about which Star Wars movie is the best, then some flirtatious comments are exchanged, followed by C/N holding your hand.
Before you even knew it, the date had lasted for three hours. Time just flew by, and you had to get home. "Well," you say, regret filling your voice as you stand by your car. "This has been an  awesome date, and I don't want it to end, but I've got stuff that needs to get done at home. I guess we should end here." C/N nods, though you can tell that he doesn't want it to end either. You start to get in your car when he stops you. "I really like you, Y/N," he says to you. "I hope we can do this again soon!" You grin and nod happily. "I'd love that!" He smiles broadly and laughs, maybe partly in happines and partly because of your enthusiasm. "Okay! Okay, let's plan on it!" You laugh too, then give C/N one final hug before jumping into your car. You wait for him to get out of the way, then you pull out of your parking spot, where you wave to C/N as he walks towards his car.

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