Chapter 1

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"Jax wait up you know I'm slow"
"Yeah and lazy"
"You got me there. Oh but did you hear about Mrs.petersons being absent today we have a sub we can sit together today"
"Hell yeah"
We started talking about random things walking into class and going into the Back of the room so we can sit down
"Hello class so as you know your teacher is not here my Name is Mr.Dobrik and I'm not a tricked but dont missbehave please I dont want to move you "

"Yeah!" I look over and I saw Sean and Mark having the time of there life's
"Sometimes there too much"
"Do you not like your own brother Jax"
"I like him as much as you like your brother"
"Hey I love my brother very much sometimes"
"Exactly "
Mr.Dobrik started passing out the papers that we had to do but I started zoning off onto a girl I dont know her name but she has perfect long black hair and the most beautiful of brown eyes and she is so smart but she never sits in the back ortalk I want to know more about her
"Dude I was trying to tell you something but you where zoning off onto... Shit and dont know her name but do you know who proubly does Phil"
"Ugh dont even Menton him to me"
"What happened between you too"
"H started getting into peoples buiessness and got into mine and know he knows so much more then anyone does and he uses it agents me so he drive me nuts"
"Yeah but if you want to know about her Phil is your option he is skipping this period so library its where he will be"
"ugh fine what ever"
I got up and asked Mr.Dobrik if I could go to the bathroom with Jax laughing at me cause I usually do something to get kicked out or what ever
I started walking to library regretting it me and Phil dont get along very well I've only seen his happy side when he was with his boyfriend
I walked into the library and saw Phil sitting in the skipping corner he made
"Hello Phillip Lester"
"Well isn't it Max McLaughlin"
"How are you this fine evening"
"Could be better but you know everyone in the school and I need help with a person"
"Okay gender?"
"shy, long black hair ,brown eyes"
"Say no further Alexia Cruz, pan-romantic asexual like you wow and she is also depression also like you but she is a selective mute there's a difference a mute and bulimulic wow"
"You know nothing about me so I'm just going to leave"
He grabbed my arm making me sit down
"Dude if you get a crush on her your going to need to change you she doesn't like smoking or drinking and she is very goody so not you and be car full she I'd very sensitive and by most of your past relationships your not the best at keeping on them"
"I've kept good relationships and you know nothing about relationships your first boyfriend you've had for 2 years"
"Dan is a hard person too keep around you know this"
"Yes I do but you do it so congrats but I've kept him longer"
I walk away leaving him to think about it and as I was going to go back to class I saw someone thinking it was Dan running in the bathroom crying
I walk into the bathroom
"Max leave me alone"
"Baby come here"
"I will tell Phil and I know you hate ut"
He reluctantly opened the stall door to see me with my arms out for a hug
"What happened baby"
I say as he gave me a hug
"Chad was making fun of me so I told him to shut up but he gave me a note saying if I didnt shut up HW would tell the whole school about me and Phil and I don't want people knowing and Phil doesn't either he would be so mad at me and he might've broken up with me so I started getting upset and know I'm here"
"Aww baby Phil would never hurt you like that he might hurt me like it but not you he cares and love you so much we just had a conversation about you he said said it was hard to keep you around but he is glad he did because you my friend are amazing and here is what your going to do about chad you are going to give him this note that I am writing and it says if he messes with you I will mess with him and if he does message me okay"
"I dont want you getting into fight with him again last time you wernt feeling good so you got beat up I dont want that happening again you where really sick"
I felt bad because I know the reason why I was sick it was because I kept trying to throw something up that wasn't there and it made me really sick and tired and Phil knows about it and that fight is how he found out
"Its fine I'm fine I'm healthy and okay dont worry"
"Okay I love you max be safe and get back to class"
"I love you too Dan you be carful"
I walk out the bathroom and waiting for Dan to leave so I could walk out the school
I walked out the school and to the back of it and pulled out my cigarettes to smoke Phil and Sean are the only people who know about this and I hope they will be the only people

Soon the bell rung and I went back to my locker to get my stuff that I need and I met up with Jax
"So how was talking to Phil."
"a nightmare he always hits the personal things with me"
"Oh like what"
"Things I can't tell you"
"Awe man well maybe soo-"
He was cut of by the sound of lockers being banged on and we both knew who it was
I started walking toward the direction of the lockers while Jax was yelling my name calling me
I ignored him and walked toward the lockers and saw Dan on the floor crying and Chad above him
"Hey dough nozzle how about you dony pick on someone who doesn't fight"
"Oh and you can't remember last time j beat your ass mallissa "
Jax yelled my name cause he knows what is going to happen
I pushed Chad up agents the lockers just like he had Dan
"Now you listen to me its max with he/they pronouns bitch and second of all I can fight way better then you"
"You wanna test that theory"
I heard Phil ,Sean,mark,and jax yell my name telling me not to do it but from the corner of my eye I saw Alexia standing there looking st me
I saw that we where agents her locker because she had her name on it
"No I dont"
I said as I let go
Chad laughed and pushed me
That was my last straw
"Okay bitch that was the last fucking warning next time watch who your picking on who your fighting and what locker its by "
I say as I punched him
It soon turned into a full on fight
Ending with Jax and Sean pulling me off and Mark and Phil grabbing Chris
He was still yelling at me but I kinda limped away with everyone
"Dude you know ma is going to be so mad at you"
"Yeah I fucking know"

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