will i ever meet the boy form my dreams

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Little did Sydney know what the future held for her.

Sydney stood in a dark forest not knowing where she was, a forest? How did I get here and why is it so dark? She thought. She was definitely in a forest where the leaves were scattered on the forest floor, in all different shades of red, yellow, and brown. The sky was covered in gray looming clouds above the tall bare trees, letting the moon slightly shine through. Suddenly, in the distance, someone appeared into Sydney's view. He was so pale that to Sydney, he seemed to be glowing. He was moving closer and closer now almost in front of Sydney. Why aren't you running? RUN! You have no idea who he is. RUN! A slight voice in her head shouted. Her body wouldn't respond to what her head was asking it to do. She looked up at his face inches from her. If he moved the slightest, his lips would brush against her forehead. His skin looked so smooth, like marble, she thought. She resisted the urge to reach up and touch his short brown locks, they looked so soft. His eyes caught hers, they weren't like normal eyes; they kept changing from a moss green to sky blue. Who is he? She thought

"Hello," a velvety voice said. It was almost non human. She quickly realized he was talking.

"What...oh...hi," she said quickly and in almost a whisper. What is wrong with me? Her knees suddenly felt weak and her mind dazed. He bent down just a bit, where their lips were almost touching. She felt like she was about to fall forward, into him, any second. Why? She thought, why with him? He was leaning in just a bit further, his canine teeth suddenly growing as they slid in place over his lip, as he pulled back his top lip the slightest bit.

Sydney sat reflectively up in her bed; a scream came out of her throat weakly. She ran shaky fingers through her hair and rubbed her temples. Why do I keep having these dreams? It's the fourth night in a damn row!! Her breathing was a bit heavy, which she tried to slow. And why is it always the same scene? Sydney shook her head trying to clear it. As she laid her head on the pillow sleep would not come as she tried pushing away the thought of him.


He sat alone on the wet grass outside her window. The gray clouds slowly moving across the sky. Why does she scream every time she wakes up from that dream? At least it is not as bad as the first night anymore, he thought. Though, why do my canine teeth always have to come out when I'm about to kiss her? Was I that blood thirsty? He thought shamefully. He shook his head dismissing all his thoughts. He had entered her dreams every night this week and it had not been very successful. He could read all of Sydney's thoughts and her mental voice still rang in his head. He lifted his head above the window and took a peak inside her room, looking over at her sleeping body. She looks so peaceful, he thought. And he had disrupted her sleep again. He couldn't stand doing it. He had to meet her in person somehow, to warn her, but he was worried his feelings would take over; he needed his plan to work. He'd find a way to warn her, but for now entering her dreams was the best he could do. He took one last look at Sydney before taking off running.


"WAKE UP DEARWOOD!!!" a voice echoed through the room. Sydney blindly reached out with her hand to slap the alarm clock off. WACK! The alarm clock fell to the floor. She sat up in her bed stretching her arms out than rubbing her eyes. She pulled the blanket off of her and slipped her legs over the bed. Without being to help it she immediately thought of her dream...of him. She stood up and shuffled over to the bathroom. The door was shut; she knocked on it with her fist.

"Come on, Sharon, I need to pee!" She cried impatiently.

"You can wait, I am almost done," Sharon called through the door.

"Sharon, come on, I'm going to pee my pants!" Sydney said louder, pounding her fist harder. This happened every morning. Sharon was her twin sister; they were almost identical, but there was the slightest difference in there height and eye color. Sharon opened the door, dressed and ready for school. She wore her black hair long and down, letting it flow around her face, her jade green eyes standing out with her tan skin. She was wearing a tight black turtle neck with dark blue skinny jeans and black boots.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2010 ⏰

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