The failing boat-trip

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'There we are', said Marc. We stood in front of his boat. We planned a boat-trip on sea, because that seems pretty cool. We wanted to eat on the boat too. We got in, in his boat, not knowing that it would go terribly wrong later. But Tim got us beer and Melissa got us food. We had been looking forward to this moment for almost 3 weeks, when we'd planned it. Marc started the motor of the boat. Melissa and I, Ashley, sat on the back side of the boat. We were on sea. Far from land, far from anything what's alive. Except for the fish in the sea, what we could see. I made some pictures, to show it to my parents. They love the nature. My father is a scientist and my mom's a teacher at a primary school. She teaches biology, what I don't like, but she helps me, and I'm happy with that. My average for biology is not good, but I can't help it, its so boring. While I was daydreaming about school, something happened. We got a report. We were almost out of fuel and Marc didn't have extra fuel, only oars. We were far from land, again. The quietness let me thought about how my life would end. On a floating boat with friends and beer, apparently. We came to a decision that we'd paddle to an island we saw. It was probably 1 mile from us. But what did we have to do? We were so far from land and our mobiles didn't have any connection. I couldn't even make a call to the police. I couldn't scream either. nobody, except my friends on the boat, would hear me. It took so long to paddle to that stupid abandoned island. I saw a volcano from far. it's probably sleeping. We approached the island. We jumped in the water and pulled the boat out of the sea. Marc and Tim did the pulling, so they were exhausted. Melissa was panicking and so did I. The boys were calmer than us, but they didn't like it at all. We decided to go into the woods. Would that be a big mistake or a chance to get found? We couldn't think clear at that moment. We walked into the woods, without any signs of living animals. But then we saw a monkey in a tree. We ran away, but Tim fell, and his knee started to bleed. Disgusting, isn't it? A wound in the middle of nowhere, what could get infected too. We didn't know where we were. But we approached a stream. The water went fast, if you'd fall into it, you'd probably be dead. We crossed the stream carefully. We were on our way to the mountain, cause we thought that we'd have connection there. It was a doubt, whether we'd climb the mountain or not. This was our only option. We walked on the mountain, when something attacked me. It were flies. I hate bugs, especially flies. They're everywhere, even at places where you don't want them. I ran away from it, so we could walk on. We were almost at the top of the mountain, when we suddenly were at a cliff what we couldn't cross. I grabbed my phone and looked whether I had connection or not. Guess what, I didn't have any connection. We were stuck on an unknown island. We walked back to the boat, but we didn't remember the way back. Good, now we're lost in the woods. We searched that stream, but we couldn't find it. It couldn't get worse anymore. We were walking through the woods, when something fell out of the tree, but we didn't know what it was. Everyone searched for it, until Marc said 'I found it'. It was a coconut. I actually hate coconut, but this is our only option to stay alive. We drank the sap what was inside, but we still had to look for food. No way that I'm gonna eat bugs, but we're probably going to eat bark. Tim read an article about 'surviving in the wilderness'. I grabbed some, so I could eat. I'm always hungry. Either eat strange things or die. I think that we all would choose the first. It was dark outside. We searched a shelter, where we could rest. We had been searching a place, until something screamed. We were getting anxious. The noise was so loud, that we all ran away to a different direction. We couldn't find each other. We didn't take flashlights with us, so it would be a hard job to find each other back. It was still for 5 minutes, but then someone screamed. It was Tim's voice, I recognized that. I think we all approached the sound. But it didn't sound like he wanted to see us. He sounded desperate, like something happened to him. While I was walking towards that noise, someone pushed me. It was Marc, but I frightened. He things that it's funny or something. We would've found Tim faster if it wasn't that dark though. Too bad for us that it was. 'We still gotta find Melissa, too', said he to me. I nodded, but I was still focused to search Tim. When we came closer, we saw him. Laying on the ground. Probably unconscious. We saw some blood, but it wasn't much. Marc carried him to a saver place and he stayed with him there. I was the hero who had to find Melissa, who was probably sheltering. I approached a stream. Would she crossed it? I didn't think that. I was looking to the stream in the moonlight, for 2 seconds, until I heard someone screaming. It wasn't Tim or Marc this time, it was Melissa. I chased the noise, but it lasted long. I got so tired suddenly. It was probably late, but I had to go on with searching Melissa. But then I found her. Unconscious. Just like Tim. I took her to a shelter. A place where we could take a rest for a while. Before I fell asleep, I thought about my parents. How would they feel? Is the police searching for us? And I was thinking about the wood. Where are we are and are we alone?  

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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