Day by Day [ONE-SHOT]

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(c) 2012 Maryjoy Abrazado/GaemGyu6141106/mJoy614_SuJu1106[AFF acc.]

All Rights Reserved

GaemGyu6141106 here, bringing you another treat. This story is inspired by Big Bang's Haru Haru (video sa side) but I turned it to SJ version. Enjoy~! 


Day by day, our relationship grew stronger,

we were quite the inseperable couple.

Until one day I saw her with someone else; none other than my best friend.

My whole world fell apart.

We were no longer together,

I wonder what I did wrong.

Until that day came and I found out,

she did it so I wouldn't be broken.



It's our 5th anniversary today. I know that I should be happy but I'm not, not after what I found out. I don't want him to know it yet. Now's not the time. I should ask Hankyung oppa for help.

"Yoboseyo? Hyejin-ah, why did you call?"

"Uhm, oppa it's just that--"

"Isn't it your 5th anniversary today? Shouldn't you be enjoying your day with Heechul?" typical Hankyung oppa, always supportive of me and his bestfriend. I couldn't help but cry with what he said.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong??" he sounded really worried.

"N-no oppa. Can we m-meet in the usual place? I need your help." I said in between my sniffles.

"Okay. I don't really understand but, oppa's here for you. Just wait for me there okay?" 

"Okay oppa. Thanks." and the line was cut off.  Sometimes I don't understand why they're best friends, but I'm really glad they are. It's really ironic, Heechul oppa is my gangster boyfriend while Hankyung oppa is his gentle bestfriend.

I went to the alley nearby. It's actually their territory and we hang out there a lot, whether it's just me and Hee or with Hankyung, Kangin, Hyukjae and Donghae. Tears came once more, as I reminisce all the memories with them.


I wonder what happened to Hyejin. Did something happen between them and Heechul? Only one way to find out. I quickly headed to our territory and found Hyejin sitting on the sidewalk while crying. I hurriedly went to her to comfort her.

"Hyejin-ah, what's wrong? Oppa's here for you." she looked up and smiled. I wiped her tears and asked what's wrong.

"I-it's just that, I-I f-found out--" she cut it off and hung her head low

"Calm down Hyejin. Now, tell oppa what's wrong." she breathed heavily and looked at me once more.

"Oppa, I...I...I have..." she bit her lower lip and sighed "...cancer" she continued quietly but I caught what she said.

"C-cancer?! You're kidding me, right? You and Hee planned this, right?"

"I wish it's just a joke...But it's true."


"Oppa, I need your help. I don't want to tell Heechul oppa. I don't want him to suffer once he finds out, I'll just be a burden to him."

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