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"What happened?"

"The red string is gone!"

"I found the shaman yesterday and he cut the string to make it disappear. Don't worry, he said it will never appear again because once the string is cut it can never put it back."

"Aren't you happy?"

"We're finally free from this bounded fate just like you want!"

"So there will be no chance between us?"


"Are you crying?"

"Hyunmi, before my feelings faded, I want you to know that I love you."

"I get it now why my red string linked to yours. I have fallen in love with you Hyunmi dammit!"

"It was my mistake to throw that gift, a chance to see my true love, but that love is useless now."

"Good bye, Hyunmi. It was nice meeting you."

"Wait, Namjoon come back!"

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