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so I decided that I wanted to write something new. so I'm going to write a story about someone's life. this story will have bits and pieces of my life, just with different names and stuff like that.


I sat there.

I couldn't breathe.

I don't know what happened. it was almost pain, but it wasn't. I couldn't talk.

I could just think.

why? why did he leave me?

I hated her. for making him leave me. for taking my best friend. for making my life impossible to live.

she's a nice person. which was a problem. I wanted her to be mean. then I would have a reason to hate her. but I didn't. all I had was that she stole K from me.

I still remember the days.

I remember the exact dates:

• the day I realized that I liked him.

• the first day we went out.

• our first kiss.

• the day I found out he was cheating.

• the day we broke up.

those are all days I will never forget. and I hate myself for not forgetting.

it's been months since I found out, since it happened, since we broke up. but still, every time I think of K it kills me. I break down and start crying, all over again.

he has made me cry way to often. but when me and K were together, I was actually happy. that's because I was clueless, clueless is the only excuse I will give myself.

clueless: as in, if I knew K would leave me for M, I don't know what I would've done. but I didn't know and I couldn't do anything.

honestly, I know I'm better off without K. but I still regret.

I regret not doing anything.

people say it's not my fault. but I know it is.


Authors note:

sorry, but expect a lot of depressing stuff. so ya.

Thought Of The Day:

"ugh where are all of my 'friends' when I need them" says annoying popular girl.

maybe if you weren't such a biatch to everyone, you would have more friends!

Quote Of The Day:

her eyes are a vast ocean, one look and I drown.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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