A happy beginning to a sad ending

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So one day I see my best friend walk up to a boy named Jalen and she hugs him as I walk up I say who is this. when Brianna turns around she starts to blush so bad that it's not even funny. so then I ask her do you two go out and she goes no! Maybe a little as she screams at the top of her lungs she then realizes she needs to tell me something. She whispers in my ear and says you have to promise not to tell anybody about me and Jalen and of all the things I could have said I say, But why Jalen? Then she just. Walks away mad but then a little later she tells me that they have been going out for like 2 months and i was so shocked because Brianna seems like the type of person who couldn't keep a relationship that long and at this time it was right before winter break. so the day before winter break started Brianna was going to kiss Jalen and I said you should go for it and at the end of the day as she went to kiss Jalen he turns around and kisses her first they where both so shocked and they just where the 2 happiest people in the world but sadly the next day Brianna began to question to Jalen, do we even go out, and sadly he said no.

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